Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Beware popular food hoarders Fat, So Obesity?

Sort-select food is one of the main requirement for those who want to lose weight or simply maintain an ideal weight. In maintaining an ideal weight, you should avoid the types of foods that affect blood sugar negatively and will only continue to cause hunger.

Many diet foods that actually stimulate increased hunger, so instead of eating a diet but instead penginnnya, if you do not eat so sick.
Until now only: various fruits, vegetables and calorie / carb taste (depending on weight)
Standart daily caloric needs of the body are: 45 calories / kg.
So if your weight: 60 kg the caloric needs: 60 x 45 = 2,700 and so on how to calculate (weight x 45).

Here are 10 types of most popular foods that can make your body's easy to accumulate reserves of fat or obese:

1. White bread

This is the type of foods that contain fiber are minimal so it will not keep you full longer. What happens after you eat this bread is soaring blood sugar quickly, and you soon feel hungry again.

White bread commonly found in food products such as burgers or sandwiches. Besides not contain many nutrients, white bread was often combined with sugar or sweetener so as to trigger an increase in body weight quickly. Advice of experts is to choose whole wheat bread and less white bread eating habits.

2. Cereals

This food was chosen as a breakfast menu in urban areas. Unfortunately, most products on the market contain sugar cereals are very high, but low nutritional value. As a result it would trigger a buildup of fat in the body. What often happens, after eating cereal, do not feel full stomach because the cereal does not contain fiber means.

Even still choose cereal as a meal menu, then choose one that is really made from 100 percent whole wheat. In addition, you can eat oatmeal and add fruit as part of breakfast.

3. Food diet version

Many products are now labeled low fat, low sugar, or special diets. However, the thing to remember is that these foods contain chemical food additives, such as dyes, panambah flavor, or artificial sugar which would have a risk to health. Another thing to remember is that these foods are at risk of making blood sugar dropped so that you quickly feel hungry. More wise when you choose natural fruits or vegetables rather than eating these foods.

4. Fried chicken

This is a menu favorite of many people. However, not many realize that fried chicken is very high in fat because processing using oil with a high temperature. Choose grilled chicken with the meat without the fat.

5. Coffee with a "creamer" and sweeteners

The content of calories than a cup of instant coffee plus creamer sugar and can reach 800 calories or almost half of your daily needs. Coffee or soft drinks are a source of hidden calories that many of you do not realize that the habit of drinking coffee with sugar and creamer to make the body mengasup excessive calories. For fans of coffee, you are advised to make coffee with sugar and creamer set wisely.

6. Sweets and confectionery

This is the worst choice for those who are thin body. Most of the candy only contain additional sweeteners and food chemicals, such as dyes or preservatives. In addition can be addictive, candy does not contain nutritional means, also makes the body continues to accumulate reserves of fat.

7. French fries

Potatoes actually kind of food with low calories. However, when it is processed with high-temperature frying, caloric value soaring. These foods are also often eaten with other high-calorie menus at fast food restaurants, such as fried chicken or burger that clearly makes you mad. Even if have to eat at fast food restaurants, so try not to order fries.

8. "Pastry", donuts, and snacks

Food is unable to make the stomach full longer because of low fiber. In addition to many contain sugar or use a sweetener type of high-fructose corn syrup, these foods are often made with wheat or corn that has been processed. All these foods can make your blood sugar in the body is growing dramatically and speed up fat deposits.

When mengasup many sweet foods, your body will produce insulin to control glucose levels in the blood. The high glucose causes the body to excess reserves. Glucose is not used up as energy would be dumped under a layer of meat and skin as fat. Insulin is a hormone that not only lowers blood sugar, but also provide signals to store fat.

9. Potato chips

Do not Sepelekan potato chips. Although there was mild, the food is very high in calories, but the nutritional value of zero. The production is to use high heat with the cream and butter, which makes this food very bad. Potato chips also contain preservatives and high salt thereby increasing risk to health.

10. Drinks soda

Soda contains high sugar content. Sugar gives instant energy and make the body to release serotonin (a neurotransmitter that improves mood) so many are addicted to soda tend berpostur fat.

Researchers at the University of Texas found, soda increases the risk of obesity on average 32.8 percent, while the diet coke (sugar-free soda) actually increase the risk of up to 54.5 percent. In conclusion, sugar-free soda is not always healthy. Most soft drinks contain 250 calories per 600 ml. No content of nutrients or minerals in it, but just sugar and caffeine.

Remember just a more natural sound, or a Vegetarian 75% ~ 80% is enough .... Go Green Friend.

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