Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Polusi Udara bisa Picu Diabetes

Biznis-on line: Polusi Udara bisa Picu Diabetes: "Polusi Udara bisa Picu Diabetes Sebuah penelitian terbaru menunjukkan hubungan kuat antara risiko terserang diabetes dan paparan ..."

Biznis-on line: Kisah Humor : Hakim BOdoh dengan Orang Kerdil Yang...

Biznis-on line: Kisah Humor : Hakim BOdoh dengan Orang Kerdil Yang...: "Kisah Hakim Yang Bodoh Suatu negeri,konon mempunyai seorang Hakin yang bodoh,dia diangkat   oleh Raja yang kebetulan masih kerabat dekatn..."

Biznis-on line: Solution: the pain of tense & tired after wearing ...

Biznis-on line: Solution: the pain of tense & tired after wearing ...: "After using the earphones for hours or within a period of time usually a person will feel pain in his ears. This could be due senses of hear..."

Solution: the pain of tense & tired after wearing earphones?

After using the earphones for hours or within a period of time usually a person will feel pain in his ears. This could be due senses of hearing experience fatigue (listener fatigue).

Researchers from the University of Colorado recently to explain the phenomenon of 'listener fatigue' which occurs when someone is listening to music or voice through the earphones for a long time.

Biznis-on line : Researchers said that when someone is listening to sound through the earphone volume level to be significantly higher in the closed ear canal than the ear canal open. This condition makes the eardrum must work extra hard to manage that volume, and involve many muscles around it.

But ironically this loud volume that will sound much smoother than they really are so that someone will try to increase the volume becomes larger. This condition can make the eardrum becomes more tense that triggered experiencing fatigue and pain.

Biznis-on line : Solutions that can be done to prevent listener fatigue is to provide a layer of such a lens on the tip of the earbud to dampen the pressure waves that can protect the eardrum.

"The result can protect hearing when the muscles are fully used," said lead researcher Stephen Ambrose of the University of Colorado, as quoted from Menshealth.com.

Another way that can be used try to not cover the ears too tightly when using earphones so slightly open can reduce the stress on the eardrum.

Also in 2006, researchers from the University of Colorado found that listening to music at full volume of the earphones for over 5 minutes a day can increase the risk of hearing loss.

Do not dismiss your ear, the ear also needs a break.

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: You are busy working & there's no time to exercise...

Biznis-on line: You are busy working & there's no time to exercise...: "To lose weight, people need to burn more calories than the calories that is inserted into the body. But most people do not have time to do s..."

You are busy working & there's no time to exercise? Burn Calories can?

To lose weight, people need to burn more calories than the calories that is inserted into the body. But most people do not have time to do so. So how do I burn calories with a little time?

Hectic schedule and busy work to make people not having enough time to exercise and burn calories. But there are several ways you can do to burn calories with a little time.

Here are some ways you can do to burn calories with a little time, as reported by Lifemojo :

1. Eat little but often
Eat small meals and nutritious foods every 3 to 4 hours will keep the metabolism running smoothly and efficiently, which in turn helps the body to burn more calories.

2. Do not skip breakfast
Never skip breakfast time if you do not want to be fat. The more your morning meal, then the morning is also the body to start burning calories. But do not forget to choose a healthy breakfast.

3. reduce the temperature
Cold temperatures can make the body expend more energy to be warm, which in turn makes the body burn more calories.

4. eat spicy
Eating spicy foods can help speed up the metabolism is faster. Chili naturally contains chemicals and compounds called Capsaicin, which can increase the fat burning process in the body. But it should be noted if your stomach is sensitive to spicy foods.

5. Eat more protein
Eat protein at every meal and as part of a snack will increase the number of calories you burn each day. Eating protein also helps to prevent muscle loss during dieting.

6. Swinging arms while walking
It may seem trivial, but the swinging arms while walking can help burn calories around 5-10 percent. Swinging arms while walking also involves a lot of muscle so that it can be a simple aerobic exercise.
Eat small meals and nutritious foods every 3 to 4 hours will keep the metabolism running smoothly and eff

Biznis-on line: Anda sibuk bekerja & gak punya waktu untuk Olahrag...

Biznis-on line: Anda sibuk bekerja & gak punya waktu untuk Olahrag...: "Anda sibuk bekerja & tak ada waktu untuk olahraga?Bakar Kalori bisa ? Untuk menurunkan berat badan, orang perlu membakar kalori lebih ban..."

Anda sibuk bekerja & gak punya waktu untuk Olahraga?Bakar kalori bisa?

Anda sibuk bekerja & tak ada waktu untuk olahraga?Bakar Kalori bisa ?

Untuk menurunkan berat badan, orang perlu membakar kalori lebih banyak ketimbang kalori yang dimasukkan ke dalam tubuh. Tapi kebanyakan orang tak punya waktu untuk melakukannya. Lantas bagaimana caranya membakar kalori dengan sedikit waktu?

Jadwal yang padat dan kesibukan kerja membuat orang tak punya cukup waktu untuk berolahraga dan membakar kalori. Tapi ada beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk membakar kalori dengan waktu sedikit.

Berikut beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk membakar kalori dengan sedikit waktu, seperti dilansir Lifemojo :

1. Makan sedikit tapi sering
Makan dengan porsi kecil dan bergizi tiap 3 sampai 4 jam akan menjaga metabolisme berjalan lancar dan efisien, yang pada gilirannya membantu tubuh untuk membakar kalori lebih banyak.

2. Jangan melewatkan waktu sarapan
Jangan pernah melewatkan waktu sarapan bila Anda tak ingin gemuk. Semakin pagi Anda makan, maka semakin pagi juga tubuh untuk mulai membakar kalori. Tapi jangan lupa untuk memilih sarapan yang sehat.

3. Mengurangi suhu
Suhu yang dingin dapat membuat tubuh mengeluarkan lebih banyak energi untuk menjadi hangat, yang pada gilirannya membuat tubuh membakar lebih banyak kalori.

4. Makan pedas
Makan makanan yang pedas dapat membantu mempercepat metabolisme lebih cepat. Cabai secara alami mengandung bahan kimia dan senyawa yang disebut Capsaicin, yang dapat meningkatkan proses pembakaran lemak dalam tubuh. Tapi perlu diperhatikan juga apakah perut Anda sensitif dengan makanan pedas.

5. Makan lebih banyak protein
Makan protein pada setiap kali makan dan sebagai bagian dari camilan akan meningkatkan jumlah kalori yang Anda bakar setiap hari. Makan protein juga membantu untuk mencegah hilangnya otot saat diet.

6. Mengayunkan tangan saat berjalan
Ini mungkin tampak sepele, tapi mengayunkan tangan saat berjalan dapat membantu membakar kalori sekitar 5-10 persen. Mengayunkan tangan saat berjalan juga melibatkan banyak otot sehingga bisa menjadi latihan aerobik yang sederhana.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Avoid Ulcer Pain, How to avoid relapse?

Biznis-on line: Avoid Ulcer Pain, How to avoid relapse?: "Disorders of the stomach is often caused by high levels of acid in the stomach. In addition to being late to eat or stress, which also contr..."

Avoid Ulcer Pain, How to avoid relapse?

Disorders of the stomach is often caused by high levels of acid in the stomach. In addition to being late to eat or stress, which also contributed to rising levels of gastric acid is a type of food that goes into it. The problem, according to Jamie Koufman, MD, and Jordan Stern, MD, author of In Dropping Acid Reflux Diet Cookbook & The Cure, the type of food that could potentially increase the stomach acid it is widely available in our daily menu. Here are seven types of food recommended both experts Otolaryngology from New York to reduced consumption:

1. Chocolate
The content of cocoa, caffeine and other stimulants, such as theobromine, can cause increased levels of acid in the stomach. In addition, chocolate also contains fat, while fat can also affect the gastric acid.

2. Soft drinks
Containing beverages or carbonated soda is one of the main causes of disorders of the stomach. Because these types of drinks are highly acidic, coupled with the effects of carbonation that could make your stomach so bloated that can create conditions so more and more uncomfortable.

3. Fried foods
Like to eat fried foods? You should know that these foods can also affect gastric acid due to the high fat content. In addition, hobby eat fried foods are also often cause heartburn disorder, there is pain in the gut.

4. Aperitif
Consumption of beer, liquor, and wine can affect the acid reflux. There are several types of alcoholic beverages that are indeed not too acidic, but experts state that alcohol can relax the channel at the bottom of the esophagus (which relates to the stomach area), and this can cause acid reflux.

5. Dairy products are high in fat
Foods high in fat can increase stomach acid levels. Meanwhile, dairy products alone is already acidic. So, you should begin to stop eating butter or milk are high in fat if often experience stomach upset. Or at least, switch to a non-fat.

6. Fatty meat
In addition to the high fat content, beef, goat, or sheep can survive long in the stomach and increases the chances of acid reflux. Therefore, you better reduce their consumption to only once a week. Switch is also the choice of meat with no fat.

7. Caffeine
Excessive drinking coffee every day can contribute to stomach upset. For that, you should reduce the consumption of coffee, or switch to tea.

Biznis-on line : With no food or beverage consumption above, then the risk of acute ulcer disease can be prevented, how can you be ready?
For the sake of our health, you deserve it, good luck.

Biznis-on line: Keep Your Heart, Avoid Illness Hepatitis.

Biznis-on line: Keep Your Heart, Avoid Illness Hepatitis.: "Biznis-on line: The liver is the organ that is essential for all life guarded and cared for, because it is so vital to our survival in the p..."

Keep Your Heart, Avoid Illness Hepatitis.

Biznis-on line: The liver is the organ that is essential for all life guarded and cared for, because it is so vital to our survival in the present and the future starts today depan.Jadi guard your heart.

Biznis-on line: Many of the diseases associated with liver, one of which is hepatitis.
Liver cancer risk of people with viral hepatitis B and C can be a hundred-fold higher than those without the virus. Risk can be reduced, for example by checking the presence of viral hepatitis B and C in the body.

"People who are not infected with hepatitis B and C liver cancer less likely," said Dr. Yu-Meng Tan MBBS, FRCS, heart surgeon from Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore, on the health of the dialog "Various Abnormalities of Liver Disease" in Jakarta.

Checking viral hepatitis B and C can only be done with blood tests in the laboratory. If there is a viral infection in the body, Yu-Meng judge was obliged to check the health of the liver by ultrasonography (USG) and blood checks at least six months. "It's for the early detection of liver cancer or other serious disorders. If there is suspicion, can be performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), "he said.

Early detection is important because severe liver disorders, such as liver cancer and liver-hardening is generally only known after the liver function below about 30 percent. That's when people start complaining, like the weight down, fatigue, decreased appetite, and digestion deteriorates.

In cases of liver cancer associated with hepatitis B infection, for example, someone may appear to grow up healthy. Infection can be a cancer or cirrhosis 20-30 years later.

Although infection did not develop severe, the person carrying the virus can remain infectious to others. "People affected by liver cancer usually do not feel pain because the organ is located on the inside, in contrast to breast and colon tumors," he said.

If you have severe liver impairment, usually skin and eyes turn yellow, fluid-filled belly bulge, and the liver was not functioning. For the heart that is not functioning, alternative liver transplant. However, besides being very expensive, not easy to find the right donor.

In the body, liver function stores vitamins, sugars, fats, and minerals to be processed into energy.

Bisznis-on line: Maintaining is better than cure, take a risk early is a good start in our lives.

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Knee treatments that Stay smooth and no darkness

Biznis-on line: Knee treatments that Stay smooth and no darkness: "The knee was not as smooth as the skin, because there are folds small and most often exposed to friction. So if not diligent care, dead skin..."

Biznis-on line: Knee treatments that Stay smooth and no darkness

Biznis-on line: Knee treatments that Stay smooth and no darkness: "The knee was not as smooth as the skin, because there are folds small and most often exposed to friction. So if not diligent care, dead skin..."

Biznis-on line: Perawatan Lutut agar Tetap halus dan tidak Gelap,m...

Biznis-on line: Perawatan Lutut agar Tetap halus dan tidak Gelap,m...: "Bagian lutut memang tidak sehalus bagian kulit lainnya, karena terdapat lipatan-lipatan kecil dan paling sering terkena gesekan. Sehingga ..."

Knee treatments that Stay smooth and no darkness

The knee was not as smooth as the skin, because there are folds small and most often exposed to friction. So if not diligent care, dead skin and dirt will accumulate, which triggers the skin becomes rough and dark.

If you have such a knee skin, these treatments can help smooth and brighten the skin of the knee. The following tips, as reported by the Live Strong.

1. Scrub
To remove dirt and dead skin, skin exfoliation treatment is that you can do. Exfoliate could by scrubbing with a scrub or loofah. Do it regularly, once every two days to get a smooth skin.

2. Humidify
Dryness of the skin is another factor that makes knees became rough. Use a moisturizer containing shea butter or retinoids. According to dermatologists, retinoids can fight wrinkles and smooths rough skin.

3. Olive oil
Olive oil is a natural treatment that can smooth the skin. You can apply olive oil on your knees before bed. Let the content of olive oil to absorb into the skin overnight.

4. Avocado Skin
Another way to smooth and brighten the knee is the avocado. This fruit contains vitamins A, C and E, iron, potassium, niacin, a good pantotenik acid to maintain the beauty of the skin. Matches avocado flesh with a spoon, then rub the inside of the avocado skin to the knee.

But there is also the traditional way of effective and inexpensive, which is used grated coconut do not easily discarded, used to wear to rub the knee or other parts of the darker colored legs like the ankles or feet that can also smooth rough, because of its natural oils contained in it can remove impurities that smooth though and certainly kulis much more subtle and natural.

Everything is done regularly and try not to do with excessive pressure because they want to get results more quickly, although for a while but it would be better routinely.

Easy and cheap but the result certainly looks, good luck.

Perawatan Lutut agar Tetap halus dan tidak Gelap,mudah & hasil " wah ".

Bagian lutut memang tidak sehalus bagian kulit lainnya, karena terdapat lipatan-lipatan kecil dan paling sering terkena gesekan. Sehingga jika tidak rajin merawatnya, kulit mati dan kotoran akan menumpuk, yang memicu kulit menjadi kasar dan berwarna gelap.

Jika Anda memiliki kulit lutut seperti itu, perawatan berikut ini bisa membantu menghaluskan dan mencerahkan kulit lutut. Berikut tipsnya, seperti dilansir oleh Live Strong.

1. Scrub
Untuk menghilangkan kotoran dan kulit mati, eksfoliasi kulit merupakan perawatan yang bisa Anda lakukan. Eksfoliasi bisa dengan cara scrub atau menggosoknya dengan loofah. Lakukanlah secara rutin, dua hari sekali untuk mendapatkan kulit halus.

2. Melembabkan
Kekeringan kulit menjadi faktor lain yang membuat lutut menjadi kasar. Gunakanlah pelembab yang mengandung shea butter atau retinoid. Menurut dermatologis, retinoid dapat melawan kerutan dan menghaluskan kulit kasar.

3. Minyak Zaitun
Minyak zaitun merupakan perawatan alami yang dapat menghaluskan kulit. Anda bisa mengoleskan minyak zaitun pada lutut sebelum tidur. Biarkan kandungan minyak zaitun menyerap ke dalam kulit semalaman.

4. Kulit Alpukat
Cara lain untuk menghaluskan dan mencerahkan lutut adalah dengan alpukat. Buah ini mengandung vitamin A, C dan E, zat besi, potasium, niasin, asam pantotenik yang bagus untuk menjaga keindahan kulit. Korek daging alpukat menggunakan sendok, lalu gosokkan bagian dalam kulit alpukat ke lutut.

Tetapi ada cara tradisional yang juga efektif dan murah,yaitu bekas parutan kelapa jangan cepat dibuang,pakailah dulu untuk menggosok bagian lutut atau bagian lain dari kaki yang berwarna lebih gelap lain seperti mata kaki atau telapak kaki yang kasar juga bisa halus,karena sifat minyak alami yang terkandung di dalamnya mampu mengangkat kotoran yang halus sekalipun dan yang pasti kulis terasa lebih halus dan alami.

Semuanya usahakan dilakukan secara berkala dan jangan dilakukan dengan tekanan yang berlebihan karena ingin mendapatkan hasil lebih cepat,walaupun sebentar tapi rutin akan lebih baik.

Mudah dan murah tapi hasilnya pasti terlihat,selamat mencoba.

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Minum Kopi?Ternyata ada Bahayanya Lho....

Biznis-on line: Minum Kopi?Ternyata ada Bahayanya Lho....: "Sangat berbahaya,minum kopi sesudah makan. Seusai makan siang atau makan malam yang nikmat memang makin lengkap bila diakhiri dengan sec..."

Biznis-on line: Want sexy, young, well kept and longevity: Sports ...

Biznis-on line: Want sexy, young, well kept and longevity: Sports ...: "Do not underestimate the benefits of exercise to enhance sexual arousal know. Exercise done regularly will improve your mood, create more sm..."

Want sexy, young, well kept and longevity: Sports alone

Do not underestimate the benefits of exercise to enhance sexual arousal know. Exercise done regularly will improve your mood, create more smoldering passion, and thus burn more calories so you are confident when showing off your body in front of the couple.

If the above reasons are still not making you intend to exercise, may be "sports section" worth a try because it can make you act more "hot" when in bed.

"Sports section will make us more attuned to the body with a sensual way, so we feel more accepting and interested in sex," said Marianne Brandon, PhD, clinical psychologist and sex therapist from the U.S..

Here is how to burn calories by way of "sexy":
Salsa & Pole Dance

1. Salsa Dance

Do not hesitate to go down to the dance floor and dance salsa. Performing salsa dance for 30 minutes is enough to burn 200 calories. Nothing wrong to invite couples to practice together. Sensual movements in this dance will certainly make you and your partner can not wait for night time.

2. "Pole dancing"

Dancing on the pole (pole dancing) is now not only for the erotic dancers. In the center-pole dance fitness center has been modified into one of the variants aerobics. Although his movements a bit erotic, actual movements in the pole dancing is very effective to strengthen muscles. Pole dancing is also often recommended Brandon to female patients who are experiencing decreased libido.

3. Belly dance

The main message that can be drawn from the dances from the Middle East this is your body love what it is. You do not need to lean to the waist like a guitar to look sexy while doing belly dancing. Anyone can belly dance. Besides making you feel sexy, belly dancing in one hour will make the 300 calories burned.

4. "Hula hoop"

This sport is not just for kids. In addition to wiggle your hips with a hula hoop, you can also combine with other movements. Do it regularly, not just the waist circumference will be reduced, this activity will also make us feel more fun. "It will make us look better body image. In the end we will be more interested in sexual activity," said Brandon.

5. Zumba Dance

Zumba actually means "move quickly". Dances from Colombia this is becoming a trend in America Serkat. This sport combines aerobic movements are agile and dynamic with a sexy Latin dance and hip-hop dance movement.

6. Bollywood dance

Dances are inspired by Bollywood, India, is very effective to make us more energy and feeling sexy. Plus the ability to burn calories to 200 calories in 30 minutes. Moreover, most Indian dance tells about the beauty of falling in love or lost love. You can also perform this dance at home by looking at videos or VCDs of Bollywood gymnastics.

7. "Naked Yoga"

Practicing yoga without clothes (naked yoga) is actually almost the same as regular yoga, but that did not use any piece of clothing. The perpetrators of this yoga without clothes they claimed to feel more relaxed, calm, and perform the movement better. They also said the body better able to appreciate what it is.

According to Brandon, all yoga poses, done with fashion or not, beneficial to open the hips, thighs, and pelvis and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. If done regularly, this exercise will produce a deeper orgasm.

You should try this, because exercise can also make a youthful, prevent illness and length umur.Jadi why do not you start now?

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Broccoli; Vegetables Delicious and Rich Benefits

Biznis-on line: Broccoli; Vegetables Delicious and Rich Benefits: "Biznis-on line: Broccoli Prevent Cancer Hospital. Some types of vegetables and fruits have been shown to prevent the spread of cancer cel..."

Biznis-on line: Brokoli : Sayur yang Enak dan Kaya Manfaat

Biznis-on line: Brokoli : Sayur yang Enak dan Kaya Manfaat: "Biznis-on line : Brokoli Pencegah Sakit Kanker. Beberapa jenis sayur dan buah telah terbukti mampu mencegah penyebaran sel kanker, salah ..."

Broccoli; Vegetables Delicious and Rich Benefits

Biznis-on line: Broccoli Prevent Cancer Hospital.

Some types of vegetables and fruits have been shown to prevent the spread of cancer cells, one of the invincible is broccoli. This dark green vegetables contain antioxidant compounds that help neutralize carcinogens.

Broccoli contains substances that stimulate the detoxification enzymes that naturally help the body eliminate toxins that cause cancer and dangerous.

Indole-3-carbinol, a substance found in broccoli, even very good for maintaining the health of women. Research shows, this substance reduces the risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer, and help suppress the activity of cancer cells that already exist. The green is also loaded kemprefol flavonoids, which protect the body against ovarian cancer.

Excess broccoli not only because he was also the source of folic acid, vitamin B is needed to establish and protect the DNA, producing blood cells, forming new cells, and synthesize proteins. Folic acid is also associated with reduced risk of cancer in adults.

There are several reasons why broccoli is a vegetable that are important to women's health. First, folic acid is a substance that is important for pregnant women to the development of the fetal nervous system and prevent defects of the brain and spinal cord.

Second, research shows, women are more prone to depression than men and depression are closely related to folic acid deficiency. The good news, increasing intake of folic acid effective to increase serotonin levels and reduce symptoms of depression.

Another added bonus, the broccoli is a source of fiber, vitamin C, K, E, and A, as well as a variety of essential minerals. In addition, as a natural diuretic, broccoli helps reduce symptoms of bloating and fluid retention before menstruation.

For optimal taste and nutrition, it is advisable to treat the steamed broccoli in a way not more than five minutes or until bright green color slightly. Add the pure olive oil, lemon, or salt to taste.

Biznis-on line: Broccoli Prevent Colon Inflammation

Vegetables are a source of fiber and vitamins that we must consume. Research shows, including the type of vegetable broccoli that has the ability to improve the health of the digestive organs, particularly to prevent colitis.

In a study conducted by a team from the University of Liverpool is known, the fiber of broccoli will increase the body's natural ability to fight infections of the digestive tract. Therefore, do more research in to see if broccoli could be used as a drug for patients with Crohn's disease or colitis.

Patients with Crohn's disease usually have limited absorb enough nutrients. The main symptoms of this disease is prolonged diarrhea, cramps or abdominal pain, blood in the stool, fatigue, and weight loss.

Crohn's disease affects about 1 in 1,000 people and is often experienced by people whose diets are low in fiber and eat more foods that are processed or preserved.

The results showed that fiber from vegetables, such as those derived from broccoli, it prevents bacterial entry into intestinal cells. Now scientists were testing the effects of fiber broccoli on 76 patients of Crohn disease to see if they will disappear after the regularly eat broccoli.

Biznin-on line: Broccoli Killer Stomach Cancer

Broccoli, vegetables are very loved by former U.S. President Bill Clinton and hated by his successor, George Bush, turned out to have remarkable benefits for health. Vegetables coming from Italy contains sulforaphane, which kills germs bully named heliobacterpylori hull work.
Germs are the main causes of injuries and cases of gastric cancer.

In addition, anti-acetylcholinesterase broccoli is good for people with Alzheimer's. Research at King's College, London, England, stated, broccoli has the most robust properties than any other vegetable.

Because many vitamins and minerals, broccoli nicknamed The Crown Jewel of Nutrition. Broccoli contains vitamin A, potassium, folacin, iron and fiber. Every 25 grams of broccoli contain calcium equivalent to milk.

Biznis-on line: There are many benefits of broccoli, Prevention of Bile Tract Cancer Hospital, Cancer Prostat.Agar yng substances are not lost and so much more awake the best way is "steamed" and do not tertalalu long.

Good luck.

Brokoli : Sayur yang Enak dan Kaya Manfaat

Biznis-on line : Brokoli Pencegah Sakit Kanker.

Beberapa jenis sayur dan buah telah terbukti mampu mencegah penyebaran sel kanker, salah satu yang tak terkalahkan adalah brokoli. Sayuran berwarna hijau pekat ini memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang membantu menetralisir senyawa karsinogen.

Brokoli mengandung zat-zat yang merangsang detoksifikasi enzim yang membantu tubuh secara alami melenyapkan penyebab kanker dan toksin yang berbahaya.

Indole-3-carbinol, zat yang ditemukan dalam brokoli, bahkan sangat baik untuk menjaga kesehatan wanita. Riset-riset menunjukkan, zat ini mengurangi risiko kanker payudara dan kanker serviks, serta membantu menekan aktivitas sel-sel kanker yang sudah ada. Si hijau ini juga sarat flavonoid kemprefol, yang melindungi tubuh melawan kanker ovarium.

Kelebihan brokoli bukan hanya itu karena ia juga sumber asam folat, vitamin B yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk dan melindungi DNA, memproduksi sel darah, pembentukan sel-sel baru, dan mensintesis protein. Asam folat juga berkaitan dengan berkurangnya risiko kanker pada orang dewasa.

Ada beberapa alasan mengapa brokoli adalah sayuran yang penting untuk kesehatan perempuan. Pertama, asam folat merupakan zat yang penting untuk ibu hamil untuk perkembangan sistem saraf janin dan mencegah cacat otak dan sumsum tulang belakang.

Kedua, penelitian menunjukkan, wanita lebih rentan terhadap depresi dibanding laki-laki dan depresi berkaitan erat dengan kekurangan asam folat. Kabar baiknya, meningkatkan asupan asam folat efektif untuk meningkatkan level serotonin dan mengurangi gejala-gejala depresi.

Tambahan bonus lainnya, brokoli merupakan sumber serat, vitamin C, K, E, dan A, serta berbagai mineral penting. Selain itu, sebagai diuretik alami, brokoli membantu mengurangi gejala kembung dan retensi cairan menjelang menstruasi.

Untuk rasa dan nutrisi yang optimal, disarankan untuk mengolah brokoli dengan cara dikukus tidak lebih dari lima menit atau sampai warnanya agak hijau terang. Tambahkan minyak zaitun murni, lemon, atau garam untuk memberi rasa.

Biznis-on line : Brokoli Pencegah Radang Usus Besar

Sayur-mayur merupakan sumber serat dan vitamin yang wajib kita konsumsi. Penelitian menunjukkan, brokoli termasuk dalam jenis sayur yang punya kemampuan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan organ pencernaan, khususnya untuk mencegah radang usus besar.

Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan oleh tim dari University of Liverpool diketahui, serat dari brokoli akan meningkatkan kemampuan alami tubuh untuk melawan infeksi para pencernaan. Karena itu, dilakukan penelitian lebih dalam untuk melihat apakah brokoli bisa dipakai sebagai obat untuk pasien penyakit crohn atau radang usus besar.

Penderita penyakit crohn biasanya mengalami keterbatasan menyerap cukup nutrisi. Gejala utama penyakit ini adalah diare berkepanjangan, kejang atau sakit perut, adanya darah di dalam tinja, kelelahan, dan menurunnya berat badan.

Penyakit crohn diderita sekitar 1 dari 1.000 orang dan sering dialami oleh orang yang pola makannya rendah serat dan lebih banyak mengonsumsi makanan yang diproses atau diawetkan.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, serat dari sayuran, seperti yang berasal dari brokoli, ternyata mencegah bakteri masuk ke dalam sel-sel usus. Saat ini para ahli tengah menguji efek serat brokoli terhadap 76 pasien chron untuk melihat apakah penyakit mereka akan hilang setelah rutin mengonsumsi brokoli.

Biznin-on line : Brokoli Pembunuh Kanker Lambung

Brokoli, sayuran yang sangat digandrungi mantan Presiden AS Bill Clinton dan dibenci penggantinya, George Bush, ternyata punya khasiat luarbiasa buat kesehatan. Sayuran yang berasal dari Italia ini mengandung sulforaphane, yang membunuh kuman pengganggu kerja lambung bernama heliobacterpylori.
Kuman ini penyebab utama kasus luka dan kanker lambung.

Selain itu, brokoli bersifat anti acetylcholinesterase yang baik bagi penderita alzheimer. Penelitian di King's College, London, Inggris, menyatakan, brokoli mempunyai sifat tersebut yang paling kuat dibandingkan sayuran lainnya.

Lantaran mengandung banyak vitamin dan mineral, brokoli dijuluki The Crown Jewel of Nutrition. Brokoli mengandung vitamin A, potasium, folacin, zat besi dan fiber. Setiap 25 gr brokoli mengandung kalsium setara dengan susu.

Biznis-on line : Masih banyak manfaat Brokoli,Pencegah Sakit Kanker Saluran Empedu,Kanker Prostat.Agar zat-zat yng begitu besar tidak hilang dan lebih terjaga cara yang paling baik adalah " dikukus " dan jangan tertalalu lama.

Selamat mencoba.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Makanan berkadar garam tinggi,potensi penyakit ser...

Biznis-on line: Makanan berkadar garam tinggi,potensi penyakit ser...: "Garam merupakan bumbu yang selalu digunakan dalam masakan sehari-hari. Tapi sebaiknya perhatikan jumlah asupan garam yang dikonsumsi, kar..."

Biznis-on line: Foods high salinity, the potential for serious ill...

Biznis-on line: Foods high salinity, the potential for serious ill...: "Salt is a seasoning that is always used in everyday cooking. But you should note the amount of salt consumed, because if excessive can lead ..."

Foods high salinity, the potential for serious illness

Salt is a seasoning that is always used in everyday cooking. But you should note the amount of salt consumed, because if excessive can lead to several diseases.

Salt is a mineral composed of 40 percent and 60 percent sodium chloride. Minerals are important for all living beings, but should not be consumed excessively.

Excess salt in the body can cause serious health effects, including thirst, anemia, hunger false and some major diseases such as quoted from Lifemojo, namely:

1. High blood pressure (hypertension)
High salt intake is known to increase blood pressure. 2007 study found patients with high blood pressure will get significant benefits by reducing salt intake.

2. Cardiovascular Disease
High blood pressure can cause a person exposed to serious diseases such as heart-related cardiovascular and stroke paralysis. Known to reduce the intake of 1 gram of salt can reduce the risk of stroke by one-sixth.

3. Enlarged heart
Medical records found that high salt intake can make a person's risk of developing left ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle tissue that forms the main wall of the heart to pump).

4. Fluid retention
The amount of sodium in the body determines the level of fluid. If the consumption of salt is too much then the kidney will be difficult to remove and makes the body retain fluid which can trigger the swelling.

5. Digestive system disorders
Excess salt that enter the body can interact with H.pylori bacteria that causes peptic ulcers, as well as excessive salt can reduce the amount of pepsin (a digestive enzyme) in the body that will increase the acidity and diarrhea.

6. Increase the secretion of bile
When a person is eating lots of salty foods will increase the secretion of bile that causes the higher the blood density, thereby reducing the vitality. This also resulted in skin problems such as dry lips and face and sometimes cause pain and bleeding in the lips.

7. Osteoporosis
Excess salt can prevent the absorption of calcium in the body that make a person susceptible to osteoporosis.

Sources: Lifemojo

Makanan berkadar garam tinggi,potensi penyakit serius

Garam merupakan bumbu yang selalu digunakan dalam masakan sehari-hari. Tapi sebaiknya perhatikan jumlah asupan garam yang dikonsumsi, karena jika berlebihan bisa memicu beberapa penyakit.

Garam adalah mineral yang terdiri dari 40 persen natrium dan 60 persen klorida. Mineral tersebut memang penting untuk semua makhluk hidup, tapi tidak boleh dikonsumsi secara berlebihan.

Kelebihan garam dalam tubuh bisa menyebabkan efek yang serius pada kesehatan, termasuk rasa haus, anemia, rasa lapar palsu dan beberapa penyakit utama seperti dikutip dari Lifemojo, yaitu:

1. Tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi)
Asupan garam yang tinggi diketahui bisa meningkatkan tekanan darah. Studi tahun 2007 menemukan pasien dengan tekanan darah tinggi akan mendapatkan manfaat yang signifikan dengan mengurangi asupan garam.

2. Penyakit kardiovaskular
Tekanan darah yang tinggi bisa mengakibatkan seseorang terkena penyakit serius yang berhubungan dengan kardiovaskular seperti jantung dan kelumpuhan stroke. Diketahui mengurangi asupan 1 gram garam bisa mengurangi risiko stroke hingga seperenamnya.

3. Pembesaran jantung
Catatan medis menemukan asupan garam yang tinggi bisa membuat seseorang berisiko menderita left ventricular hypertrophy (pembesaran dari jaringan otot yang membentuk dinding utama jantung untuk memompa).

4. Retensi cairan
Jumlah natrium dalam tubuh menentukan tingkat cairan. Jika konsumsi garamnya terlalu banyak maka ginjal akan sulit menghilangkannya dan membuat tubuh mempertahankan cairan yang bisa memicu pembengkakan.

5. Gangguan sistem pencernaan
Garam berlebih yang masuk ke tubuh bisa berinteraksi dengan bakteri H.pylori yang menyebabkan tukak lambung, serta garam berlebih bisa mengurangi jumlah pepsin (enzim pencernaan) di dalam tubuh yang akan meningkatkan keasaman dan diare.

6. Meningkatkan sekresi empedu
Ketika seseorang banyak mengonsumsi makanan asin maka sekresi empedu akan meningkat yang menyebabkan kepadatan darah semakin tinggi sehingga mengurangi vitalitas. Hal ini juga mengakibatkan masalah kulit seperti wajah dan bibir kering serta kadang menyebabkan sakit dan pendarahan di bibir.

7. Osteoporosis
Kelebihan garam bisa mencegah penyerapan kalsium dalam tubuh yang membuat seseorang rentan terkena osteoporosis.

Sumber :Lifemojo

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Avoid Heart Disease with the Best Ways

Biznis-on line: Avoid Heart Disease with the Best Ways: "Today's lifestyles are 'demanding' makes us live in a variety of pressures. Not to mention eating slob - 'origins and origin of the full t..."

Biznis-on line: Hindari Sakit Jantung dengan Cara Terbaik

Biznis-on line: Hindari Sakit Jantung dengan Cara Terbaik: "Gaya hidup masa kini yang ‘demanding’ membuat kita hidup dalam berbagai tekanan. Belumlagi pola makan yang sembrono – ‘asal kenyang dan as..."

Avoid Heart Disease with the Best Ways

Today's lifestyles are 'demanding' makes us live in a variety of pressures. Not to mention eating slob - 'origins and origin of the full tasty' brings us to the threat of various diseases. Heart disease is one health scourge in the world.

But actually not too difficult to prevent and reduce the risk of various causes of heart disease.

Here are the best ways to efforts to reduce the risk of heart disease, is quite simple but easy, as long as the result of discipline, healthier body .. amiiin.

A. Heart Healthy Diet, Healthy diet

Healthy heart diet heart healthy diet or a guide that is quite simple and easy to follow. With this diet we consume dietary factors can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Reduce and limit foods that contain trans fats and hydrogenated oils found in butter, fast food, as well as in fried foods.
Limit consumption of sugar-terefinasi well as from cake, cookies, candy and so forth.
Use the 'extra virgin olive oil' and the garlic while cooking, these two materials can lower cholesterol.
Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids in your diet - is the best source of fish oil Salmon.

B. exercise regularly, it is recommended the morning

I recommend the morning because, the morning air cooler and still healthy (net of air pollution) so that when we mnghirup fresh air in order to feel fresh in the chest cavity, heart rate will be more comfortable in this atmosphere, very good as well for already contracted the illness heart.
But there saratnya, find a place of healthy sports are like a city park that is still a lot of trees or rural environment that is still free from air pollution.

Build a stable program and regular exercise will obviously make the risk of heart disease will decrease. The body is accustomed to exercising can quickly recharge his energy and improve endurance. How easy it is:
Try to do light exercise at the gym, just jogging or cycling, 3-4 times a semiinggu. Perform at least 30 minutes each time.
Keep your daily routine and start with a slow tempo.
Be sure to always stretch after exercise or hard laithan.
Keep water levels during exercise and rest several times in a single whole exercise.

C. Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to running a healthy diet and exercising regularly, there are some habits and lifestyles that must be repaired to continue to support the effort to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Among them:
- Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke - both of which cause heart disease as dangerous.
- Limit or avoid alcohol consumption - the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol will deplete levels of vitamins and other nutrients in the body.
- Avoid stress and feelings of anxiety - both of these things can melonjakkan blood pressure. Increased blood pressure may affect the metabolism and lead to various diseases.
- Maintain ideal body weight at the recommended limit - obesity will also increase the chances of heart disease.

D. Check the Indicators of Blood and Avoid Triggers Heart Disease

Be sure to conduct routine blood tests such as a check cholesterol levels (HDL and LDL), Triglycerides, etc.. Consider the following ways if there were increased levels of indicators:
If your cholesterol is increased, immediately watch your food intake. 20% of cholesterol comes from what we eat, the other 80% actually produced by our liver.
If the levels of Triglycerides (fat) is too high, lower the amount of carbohydrates and sugars we eat.

E. Eat nutritious Healthy Heart Food

Today's food processing to reduce or even eliminate many essential nutrients from food. So when we consume foods that are supposed to contain vitamins or good nutrition, real nutrition and vitamins from food is gone.

So there are times when we choose the dietary supplements that contain nutrients that are good for our heart. That's all that the body be better prepared in maintaining heart health. Here's a guide:
Fish in the cold waters are often contaminated and not contain extracts of Omega 3. This occurs because the process of handling and processing that are less good. For that there is need for pure fish oil supplements are distilled with the molecule.
Many of us do not realize kalu vitamin deficiency. This occurs because of poor diet, factors of elderly or sick. Therefore, vitamin supplementation is very important for the heart. Some of them are the B vitamins, antioxidants, vitamin C and Vitamin E are very important to maintain cardiovascular endurance.
There are many important nutrients for maintaining heart health and general health and wellbeing. Consult with a nutritionist to get a good diet and correct.

There are no easy words, if we do not want to try, never give up for the future of the family, son's wife / husband are all worthy and deserve a life free of heart disease, whenever and wherever, you certainly can.

Hindari Sakit Jantung dengan Cara Terbaik

Gaya hidup masa kini yang ‘demanding’ membuat kita hidup dalam berbagai tekanan. Belumlagi pola makan yang sembrono – ‘asal kenyang dan asal enak’ membawa kita pada ancaman berbagai penyakit. Penyakit jantung adalah salah satu momok dalam dunia kesehatan.

Namun sesungguhnya tak terlalu sulit untuk mencegah dan menurunkan resiko dari berbagai penyebab penyakit jantung.

Berikut ini cara-cara terbaik dengan berbagai usaha mengurangi resiko terkena penyakit jantung,cukup sederhana tetapi mudah,asal disiplin hasilnya,tubuh lebih sehat..amiiin.

A.Diet Jantung Sehat,Pola makan sehat

Healthy heart diet atau diet jantung sehat merupakan panduan yang cukup sederhana dan mudah untuk diikuti. Dengan diet ini faktor makanan yang kita konsumsi dapat menurunkan resiko terkena penyakit jantung.
Mengurangi dan membatasi makanan yang mengandung lemak trans dan hydrogenated oils yang dapat ditemukan pada mentega, fast food, serta makanan yang di goring.
Batasi pula konsumsi gula-terefinasi seperti dari cake, cookies, permen dan lain sebagainya.
Gunakan ‘extra virgin olive oil’ dan bawang putih saat memasak, dua bahan ini mampu menurunkan kolesterol.
Tambahkan Asam Lemak Omega 3 dalam diet anda – sumber terbaiknya adalah dari minyak ikan Salmon.

B.Berolah Raga Secara Teratur,disarankan pagi hari

Saya sarankan pagi hari karena,udara pagi lebih sejuk dan masih sehat (bersih dari polusi udara) sehingga saat kita mnghirup udara segar agar terasa segar didalam rongga dada,detak jantung akan lebih nyaman dalam suasana seperti ini,sangat bagus juga untuk yang sudah terjangkit sakit jantung.
Tetapi ini ada saratnya,cari tempat olahraga yang sehat seperi taman kota yang masih banyak pohon atau lingkungan pedesaan yang masih terbebas dari polusi udara.

Membangun program olahraga yang stabil dan teratur jelas akan membuat resiko terkena penyakit jantung akan menurun. Tubuh yang terbiasa berolah raga mampu dengan cepat me-recharge energi dan meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh. Cara mudahnya :
Cobalah untuk melakukan olah raga ringan di gym , sekadar Jogging atau bersepeda, 3-4 kali dalam semiinggu. Lakukan sekurangnya 30 menit setiap kalinya.
Jaga rutinitas sehari-hari Anda, serta mulailah dengan tempo yang perlahan.
Pastikan untuk selalu melakukan peregangan setelah laithan atau olah raga keras.
Jaga kadar air selama berolah raga, serta beristirahatlah beberapa kali dalam satu kali keseluruhan latihan.

C. Gaya Hidup yang Sehat

Selain menjalankan diet sehat dan berolahraga secara teratur, ada beberapa kebiasaan dan gaya hidup yang harus diperbaiki untuk terus menunjang usaha menurunkan resiko terkena penyakit jantung.
Diantaranya :
- Berhenti merokok dan hindari menjadi perokok pasif – keduanya menyebabkan penyakit jantung sama bahayanya.
- Batasi atau hindari mengkonsumsi alkohol – konsumsi alkohol dalam jumlah berlebihan akan menguras kadar vitamin dan nutrisi lain dalam tubuh.
- Hindari Stress dan perasaan gelisahan – kedua hal ini dapat melonjakkan tekanan darah. Tekanan darah yang meningkat dapat menggangu metabolism dan berujung pada berbagai penyakit.
- Jagalah berat badan pada batas ideal yang disarankan – kegemukan juga akan meningkatkan peluang terkena penyakit jantung.

D.Cek Indikator Darah dan Hindari Pemicu Penyakit Jantung

Pastikan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan darah rutin seperti cek kadar kolesterol (HDL dan LDL), Triglyceride dsb. Perhatikan cara berikut jika terjadi peningkatan level dari indikator tadi :
Jika Kolesterol Anda meningkat, segera jaga asupan makanan Anda. 20% dari kolesterol datang dari apa yang kita makan, 80% lainnya sesungguhnya diproduksi oleh liver kita.
Jika kadar Triglyceride( lemak) terlalu tinggi, turunkan jumlah karbohidrat dan gula yang kita makan.

E.Makan Makanan Yang bernutrisi Sehat Jantung

Proses pengolahan makanan dewasa ini banyak mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan nutrisi esensial dari bahan makanan. Jadi saat kita mengkonsumsi makanan yang seharusnya mengandung vitamin ataupun nutrisi yang baik, sesungguhnya nutrisi dan vitamin tersebut sudah lenyap dari makanan.

Jadi ada kalanya kita memilih suplemen makanan yang mengandung nutrisi yang baik bagi jantung kita. Itu semua agar tubuh lebih siap dalam menjaga kesehatan jantung. Berikut panduannya :
Ikan di perairan yang dingin sering tercemar dan tidak mengandung sari Omega 3. Hal ini terjadi karena proses penanganan dan pengolahannya yang kurang baik. Untuk itu ada perlunya mengkonsumsi suplemen minyak ikan murni yang disuling dengan molekul.
Banyak dari kita tak sadar kalu kekurangan Vitamin. Ini terjadi karena diet yang buruk, faktor usia lanjut atau sedang sakit. Oleh karena itu suplementasi vitamin sangat penting untuk jantung. Beberapa diantaranya adalah Vitamin B, Antioksidan, vitamin C dan Vitamin E sangat penting untuk menjaga ketahanan jantung.
Ada banyak nutrisi penting untuk menjaga kesehatan Jantung serta kesehatan umum dan kesejahteraan. Berkonsultasilah dengan ahli nutrisi untuk mendapatkan pola makan yang baik dan benar.

Tidak ada kata mudah,bila kita tak mau mencoba,pantang menyerah demi masa depan keluarga,anak istri/suami semuanya pantas dan layak mendapatkan kehidupan yang bebas sakit jantung,kapanpun dan dimanapun,anda pasti bisa

Biznis-on line: Tips Memilih Ikan Segar dan Sehat untuk Keluarga

Biznis-on line: Tips Memilih Ikan Segar dan Sehat untuk Keluarga: "Banyak sekali ikanyang dijual di pasaran yang sudah tidak segar lagi,bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan ikan segar tersebut,berikut ini bisa ..."

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Rumah Alloh

Biznis-on line: Rumah Alloh: "Pagi habis,sholat subuh lihat dan dengerin ceramah,fresh ni.... Kalau dipikir-pikir memang benar,habis badan masih segar,udara segar,pikira..."

Biznis-on line: Makan buah sama Kulitnya lebih Bermanfaat ? Masak ...

Biznis-on line: Makan buah sama Kulitnya lebih Bermanfaat ? Masak ...: "Haruskah Makan Buah di kupas dahulu ? Kenapa ?   Tidak semua kulit buah harus dibuang,karena justru pada kulit buah banyak manfaatnya. ..."

Biznis-on line: Minum TEH MURNI dan BERJALAN KAKI lebih sehat dan ...

Biznis-on line: Minum TEH MURNI dan BERJALAN KAKI lebih sehat dan ...: "Berikut ini pengalaman seorang dokter yang habis mengadakan perjalanan ke Cina dan sangat bermanfaat unuk kita semua : Dalam perjalanan H..."

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Drinking alcohol can a young age, kidney failure p...

Biznis-on line: Drinking alcohol can a young age, kidney failure p...: "Calcium is a mineral that has a very important role in the body. Once the importance of calcium, so if not consumed in sufficient doses, t..."

Drinking alcohol can a young age, kidney failure pain.

Biznis-on line :Calcium is a mineral that has a very important role in the body. Once the importance of calcium, so if not consumed in sufficient doses, the body functions can be disrupted.

In addition to its main function to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, calcium is also useful to help regulate heartbeat, muscle growth, helps the transmission of impulses, as well as maintain the absorption of nutrients to the bones and teeth.

According to Ilyas dr.Elida, Sp.RM, calcium requirement of adults at least 1,000 milligrams per day. Needs kaslium increased in pregnant and lactating women and elderly people, which is equal to 1200 mg / day.

Biznis-on line :Based on the results of research in Indonesia, from various kinds of food consumed by a new calcium adequacy are met as much as 250 mg. To cover up his shortcomings, are advised to consume milk.

Calcium can also be obtained from foods that are consumed daily. For example in fish, cheese, and green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. In addition, cultivated get enough direct sunlight to enable the provitamin D under the skin into vitamin D which is essential for bone health.

But Elida stressed the importance of attention to the need to avoid excessive calcium. "Since calcium is taken to the bone before he passed kidney first, then absorbed by the kidneys, only brought to the bones. But the kidney also has limitations. So if you've exceeded can not then be abandoned diginjal absorbed, eventually become kidney stones," he explained.

Biznis-on line : So be careful a lot to offer multivitamins and milk which contains high calcium, should be avoided as better eating and drinking are natural (vegetable and whole milk) except on the advice of a doctor who had a check in the laboratory requires a high amount of calcium.
Remember all that exceed the limit then the kidney will work harder to filter out the excess calcium or other minerals, it became one of the causes of kidney disease, including people who liked to drink alcohol at a young age.
Experience a must dialysis 2x a week saying, "I like to drink alcohol when young and rarely drink water, I am now 30 years old and only have one child aged 10 years, but my health depends on dialysis at the hospital," he said regret of his life story.

Biznis-on line : It's very ironic, because without dialysis every food and beverage are included in the body can not be filtered by the kidneys that have been sick, so the body becomes weak, lethargic and susceptible to disease because many toxins in the body that are not filtered by the kidneys.
So in fact the purpose of dialysis is; to remove toxins in the blood because it is not filtered by the kidneys.
All of it depends on person's immune system, but with a pattern of healthy living and a menu that we could all avoid.

So stop drinking alcohol or up to you, life is a lot of choices like healthy or sick, you own the set.

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Heart Disease and Prevention.

Biznis-on line: Heart Disease and Prevention.: "Recognize the early symptoms of heart disease (I get this information from a doctor) is as follows: If there is pain in the chest to the..."

Biznis-on line: Younger Tips & slim Elizabeth Hurley

Biznis-on line: Younger Tips & slim Elizabeth Hurley: "In the age that is no longer young, Elizabeth Hurley still look slim even though metabolism is already declining. Apparently the woman who..."

Younger Tips & slim Elizabeth Hurley

In the age that is no longer young, Elizabeth Hurley still look slim even though metabolism is already declining. Apparently the woman who he was already headed in this four secrets to stay healthy. Here is a habit that makes Hurley still slim compared to other women her age, as quoted from the telegraph.

Small Sports
There are no shortcuts to be slim. You must consider what is consumed. Hurley walked every day with his dog and tried to run, although in fact he hated running. He also like pilates and yoga, but not done routinely.

Being active is probably one of the other secrets owned by Hurley. He can stand in a long time.

To train your abdominals and lower body, Hurley has his own way. Before the bath, she did little exercise while waiting for water in the bath tub filled.

Organic Food
Hurley said very often experience stress that can make a more rapid aging. To overcome this, he tried to sleep enough and follow a healthy diet program.

Hurley have their own organic food buying ingredients at the market and health food stores. He only eats a few foods that have been processed previously. He also ate a snack bar as a snack between meals big.

Breathe fresh air
Spending time outdoors makes you feel fresh. Hurley like to live outside the city and happy to see her son, Damian, grown on plantations rather than in London full of pollution.

Who would have thought a former lover Hugh Grant is like gardening? It can even run a tractor.

Heart Disease and Prevention.

Recognize the early symptoms of heart disease (I get this information from a doctor) is as follows:

If there is pain in the chest to the left and then spread to the rear, left hand be little sore or ignorant and it often happens / is often perceived, then a quick check to the laboratory to check the total and the results bring to a cardiologist.

Because heart disease is 3:
1. Sick organs
2. Sore veins or
3. Ill blood (lots of cholesterol).
So from these laboratory results, a doctor will know what actions will be done, whether it should be operating? or still be with treatment.

If you already have the symptoms mentioned above, the solution is stop all foods containing koleterol as expensive as any and as much as any medications you're taking will not have a big impact without any changes in diet and healthy lifestyle.

Unhealthy foods is often a risk factor for heart disease and other metabolic diseases. So what foods are good and bad for the heart?

The main enemy is the heart of cholesterol and fat. Cholesterol can wake up in the arteries and cause all kinds of heart problems such as coronary heart disease, clots, heart attacks and more.

Cholesterol is actually good for the heart in normal rate. But the number is high, then cholesterol may harm the heart.

Here are the best and worst food for the heart, as reported by Hubpages:

The best food for the heart

1. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is high in fat either, omega-3 fatty acids, and low in bad fats and bad cholesterol (LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein). Oatmeal also have fiber, which is also good for the heart.

2. Salmon
Salmon also contains omega-3 and antioxidants.

3. Olive oil
Monounsaturated fat in olive oil can lower bad cholesterol and helps clean the blood vessels.

4. Nuts
Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts are the best. Nuts are loaded with good fat and fiber.

5. Berri Fruit
Berri fruit has anti-inflammatory substances, which can reduce the likelihood of disease and cancer.

6. Spinach
This green leafy vegetables contain lots of lutein, folate, fiber, and potassium.

7. Soybean
Soy is very good for the heart because it contains protein. Make sure you choose the most natural soy because soy preparations usually contain preservatives and salt, which is not good for the heart.

8. Legumes
The best legumes are beans, lentils, and beans. Legumes contain a lot of fiber, calcium and omega-3 is very good for the heart healthy.

9. Avocado
Avocados contain monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fats) which can reduce LDL or bad cholesterol.

10. Flaxseed (flax)
Flax seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 is high enough that good for the heart.

Worst food for the heart

Worst food for the heart is that many foods contain salt, sugar and fat, among other things: soda, French fries, chips, bacon, pasta salad, Burger fast food, Granola bars, chocolate Cereals, Donat, processed cheese.

The exercise is recommended, walk every morning while sipping fresh air for chest feels more comfortable and Fress, do not exercise too hard.
Create a calmer mood, emotional control is always more conducive to stable both in the places we work and at home, this is very helpful for healing more optimal and faster.

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Akhlak terpuji kunci sukses bisnis Cara Rosullullo...

Biznis-on line: Akhlak terpuji kunci sukses bisnis Cara Rosullullo...: "Akhlak terpuji kunci sukses bisnis Cara Rosullulloh. Sebagai nabi akhir zaman, peran Nabi Muhammad SAW sangatlah sempurna, tidak hanya se..."

Biznis-on line: Awet Muda & Tetap Sehat Sampai Tua

Biznis-on line: Awet Muda & Tetap Sehat Sampai Tua: "Mau Awet Muda & Tetap Sehat ? Biznis-on line : Bertambahnya usia memang tidak dapat dicegah, tetapi kita masih bisa memperlambat efek pe..."

Biznis-on line: Ageless Want & Stay Healthy through the Old?

Biznis-on line: Ageless Want & Stay Healthy through the Old?: "Biznis-on line:Increasing age was not preventable, but we still could slow the effects of aging on the body. Nature already provide it in a..."

Ageless Want & Stay Healthy through the Old?

Biznis-on line:Increasing age was not preventable, but we still could slow the effects of aging on the body. Nature already provide it in abundance, our lives are willing mengasupnya or not.

There are many factors that cause the symptoms of aging, factors other than reduced growth hormone, aging effects also arise because of pollution, stress, sunlight, smoking, alcohol, lack of rest, and diet malnutrition.

In addition to looking at the skin, for example, the skin looks dull and wrinkles begin to arise, the effects of aging can also be easily hurt, decreased concentration, or frequent fatigue.

According to clinical nutritionist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr Inge Permadhi, SpGK, premature aging may be preventable by improving our diet. "The key is to eat a balanced composition of nutrients," he said in Nutritalk event.

He calls the vegetables and fruits as food that can help us to stay young. "Basically, by eating a source of antioxidants, namely vegetables and fruits," he said.

Is a free radical-fighting antioxidants, molecules that can cause cell damage and are associated with chronic inflammatory diseases.

In addition, he also suggested that we should reduce the intake of fat, especially saturated fat. "Fat is a source of excess free radicals. We are encouraged to take fats 30 percent of total calories, but remember, the source must be healthy, not fat from fried foods," he said.

Currently there is one available a variety of supplements that claim to be an antioxidant. However, Dr Inge recommend us sufficient antioxidants from food sources, namely natural food.

"Supplements are directly absorbed by the body, but the body has no mechanism to reject it if the substance or vitamin that is needed is enough. The effect is toxic or excess. In contrast to natural sources, namely vegetable and fruit, if excess, will automatically be disposed of the body," he said.


Vitamin supplements not only provides nutritional needs, but also avoid the signs of aging. Several types of nutrients, like calcium and vitamin D, is useful for maintaining health, but also makes us stay young. What supplements are recommended to maximize health and keep us young?

Vitamin D
You can reduce your risk of colon cancer, breast and esophagus by 50 percent when you get enough vitamin D. Similarly, according to Michael F. Holick, MD, PhD, professor at Boston University School of Medicine.

Vitamin D inhibits the growth of cancer cells and activate the immune system to fight infection. The best sources of vitamin D are egg yolks, fish, and fortified foods, like milk and cereal. Exposure to sunlight is also good to increase levels of vitamin D in the body.

This mineral is essential for maintaining bone strength and is required for muscle and nerve function. Lack of calcium will cause bone destruction occurs faster than construction. In addition to bone, studies have shown calcium supplementation can reduce the risk of colon cancer polyp formation.

Studies show magnesium deficiency is more common in elderly people than young people. This occurs because of growing older, the body's ability to absorb magnesium from food is reduced. In addition, drugs such as antibiotics and diuretics also affect the same. In addition to preventing diabetes, magnesium also can lower blood pressure.

Vitamin B
Several studies have shown, stroke and heart disease could be prevented if we get enough vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid. Adequate levels of vitamin B can also prevent us from typical diseases of parents, namely dementia.


If you do not want to look old quickly, avoid the following four bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol too much, less mobile, and unhealthy diet. The combination of the four bad habits that will make you look 12 years older than actual age.

Conclusions are made based on analysis of 5,000 people a track record against England for 20 years. In general, 314 people have four bad habits. Among them, 91 people or 29 percent died during the study period. Compare with a group of people who do not have four bad habits, only 32 who died or about 8 percent.

Unhealthy habits that include, among others, are smoking, drinking alcohol more than three cups per day, less than two hours exercise each week, and rarely eat fruit and vegetables.

"To be in the healthy category, you do not have to be extreme. If your lifestyle can be changed, especially when the four bad habits that are abandoned, the result will be very good," said Elisabeth Kvaavik from the University of Oslo.

The results, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reinforced previous research linking various healthy lifestyle with a length of one's age.

Awet Muda & Tetap Sehat Sampai Tua

Mau Awet Muda & Tetap Sehat ?

Biznis-on line : Bertambahnya usia memang tidak dapat dicegah, tetapi kita masih bisa memperlambat efek penuaan pada tubuh. Alam sudah menyediakannya secara melimpah, tinggal kita bersedia mengasupnya atau tidak.

Biznis-on line : Ada banyak faktor yang menyebabkan gejala penuaan, selain faktor berkurangnya hormon pertumbuhan, efek penuaan juga timbul karena polusi, stres, sinar matahari, merokok, alkohol, kurang istirahat, serta pola makan kurang gizi.

Selain yang tampak pada kulit, misalnya, kulit tampak kusam dan mulai timbul kerutan, efek penuaan juga bisa berupa mudah sakit, konsentrasi menurun, atau sering kelelahan.

Biznis-on lineMenurut ahli gizi klinik dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, dr Inge Permadhi, SpGK, penuaan dini sebenarnya dapat dicegah dengan cara memperbaiki pola makan kita. "Kuncinya adalah makan dengan komposisi zat gizi yang seimbang," katanya dalam acara Nutritalk di Jakarta, Selasa (7/6/2011).

Ia menyebut sayur-sayuran dan buah sebagai makanan yang dapat membantu kita untuk tetap awet muda. "Intinya, dengan mengonsumsi sumber antioksidan, yaitu sayur dan buah-buahan," katanya.

Biznis-on line ; Antioksidan merupakan pelawan radikal bebas, molekul yang bisa menyebabkan kerusakan sel dan berkaitan dengan penyakit inflamasi kronis.

Selain itu, ia juga menyarankan agar kita mengurangi asupan lemak, terutama lemak jenuh. "Lemak merupakan sumber radikal bebas jika jumlahnya berlebihan. Kita dianjurkan untuk mengonsumsi lemak 30 persen dari total kalori, tapi ingat, sumbernya harus sehat, bukan lemak yang berasal dari makanan yang digoreng," katanya.

Saat ini memang tersedia berbagai suplemen yang mengklaim sebagai antioksidan. Namun, dr Inge menganjurkan agar kita mencukupi antioksidan dari makanan sumber, yaitu makanan alami.

"Suplemen memang langsung diserap tubuh, tetapi tubuh tidak punya mekanisme untuk menolaknya jika zat atau vitamin yang dibutuhkan sudah cukup. Efeknya adalah toksik atau kelebihan. Berbeda dengan sumber alami, yakni sayur dan buah, jika kelebihan, otomatis akan dibuang tubuh," katanya.


Biznis-on line : Suplemen vitamin tidak cuma menyediakan kebutuhan nutrisi, tapi juga menghindari tanda-tanda penuaan. Beberapa jenis nutrien, seperti kalsium dan vitamin D, berguna untuk menjaga kesehatan, tapi juga membuat kita awet muda. Apa saja suplemen yang dianjurkan untuk memaksimalkan kesehatan dan membuat kita tetap muda?

Vitamin D
Anda bisa mengurangi risiko terkena kanker kolon, payudara dan esofagus hingga 50 persen bila Anda mendapat cukup vitamin D. Demikian menurut Michael F.Holick, MD, PhD, profesor dari Boston University School of Medicine.

Vitamin D akan menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker dan mengaktifkan sistem imun untuk melawan infeksi. Sumber vitamin D terbaik adalah kuning telur, ikan, dan makanan yang sudah difortifikasi, seperti susu dan sereal. Paparan sinar matahari juga baik untuk meningkatkan kadar vitamin D dalam tubuh.

Mineral ini sangat penting untuk menjaga kekuatan tulang dan diperlukan untuk fungsi otot dan saraf. Kekurangan kalsium akan menyebabkan kerusakan tulang terjadi lebih cepat daripada pembangunannya. Selain untuk tulang, penelitian menunjukkan suplementasi kalsium bisa mengurangi risiko terbentuknya polip penyebab kanker kolon.

Penelitian menunjukkan kekurangan magnesium lebih sering terjadi pada orang usia lanjut daripada orang muda. Hal ini terjadi karena semakin tua, kemampuan tubuh untuk menyerap magnesium dari makanan akan berkurang. Selain itu, obat-obatan seperti antibiotik dan obat diuretik juga berdampak sama. Selain mencegah diabetes, magnesium juga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah.

Vitamin B
Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan, penyakit stroke dan jantung bisa dicegah bila kita cukup mendapatkan vitamin B6, B12 dan asam folat. Kadar vitamin B yang cukup juga bisa menghindarkan kita dari penyakit khas orang tua, yakni demensia.


Biznis-on line : Bila Anda tidak ingin terlihat lekas tua, hindari empat kebiasaan buruk berikut: merokok, minum alkohol terlalu banyak, kurang bergerak, dan pola makan tidak sehat. Kombinasi empat kebiasaan buruk itu akan membuat Anda terlihat 12 tahun lebih tua daripada usia sebenarnya.

Kesimpulan tersebut dibuat berdasarkan analisis rekam jejak terhadap 5.000 orang Inggris selama 20 tahun. Secara umum, 314 orang memiliki empat kebiasaan buruk. Di antara mereka, 91 orang atau 29 persen meninggal selama kurun waktu penelitian. Bandingkan dengan kelompok orang yang tak punya empat kebiasaan buruk itu, hanya 32 yang meninggal atau sekitar 8 persen.

Kebiasaan yang termasuk tidak sehat, antara lain, adalah merokok, menenggak alkohol lebih dari tiga gelas per hari, berolahraga kurang dari dua jam setiap minggu, serta jarang makan buah dan sayur.

"Untuk berada dalam kategori sehat, Anda tidak harus bersikap ekstrem. Bila gaya hidup Anda bisa diubah, terlebih bila keempat kebiasaan buruk itu ditinggalkan, hasilnya akan sangat baik," kata Elisabeth Kvaavik dari Universitas Oslo.

Hasil penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam Archieves of Internal Medicine ini semakin menguatkan berbagai penelitian sebelumnya yang mengaitkan gaya hidup sehat dengan panjang usia seseorang.

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Biznis-on line: Breathing techniques to Overcome an Illness

Biznis-on line: Breathing techniques to Overcome an Illness: "Biznis-on line : In one day humans breathe approximately 20,000 times, so there's not much time to pay attention to technique. By mastering ..."

Biznis-on line: Breathing techniques to Overcome an Illness

Biznis-on line: Breathing techniques to Overcome an Illness: "Biznis-on line : In one day humans breathe approximately 20,000 times, so there's not much time to pay attention to technique. By mastering ..."

Breathing techniques to Overcome an Illness

Biznis-on line : In one day humans breathe approximately 20,000 times, so there's not much time to pay attention to technique. By mastering certain techniques in drawing and 4 exhale this disease can be overcome without having to take medication.

"Breathing with the correct technique is believed to help the digestive system and can prove to calm the mind and relieve pain. Conversely, the wrong technique can cause a person irritable, prone to panic and depression," said Dr. David Lewis, a neurologist from Sussex University.

Quoted from Dailymail, Dr. Lewis explained several breathing techniques to cope with complaints following mild.

1. Painful
Biznis-on line :Deep breathing techniques through to activate the parasympathetic nervous stomach, so as to relieve pain and tension. Simply done 2 times a day, each for 2-3 minutes.

You do this by lying on his back, one hand on the chest and one in the abdomen. Breathe deep using abdominal, count to 5 while imagining the increasingly inflated balloon, and release slowly in the same count.

The hand is placed on the chest and abdomen to make sure his breath is done through the abdomen, not chest.

2. Nervous
Biznis-on line :Rhythmic breathing techniques can relieve the anxiety that is characterized by a rapid respiratory rate or also called breathlessly. The point is to slow the respiratory rhythm and where possible to give pause between each breath and when to let go.

This technique can be performed by lying in bed, with one hand on the chest and one in the abdomen just below the ribs, then breathe through your nose as much as 12-20 times per minute. Make sure your hands are in the stomach is often moving, as a sign that the breathing occurs in the abdomen rather than chest.

3. Asthma
Biznis-on line : a.Tidak doubt, breathing technique is one powerful way to control asthma. Some of the techniques of yoga exercises for asthma sufferers also describe breathing techniques with the most dominant portion.

When releasing a breath, do it through the mouth by putting pressure on the back of the throat like the exhaled steam to clean the glasses. Then inhale through the nose, do deep to strong sounds.

Biznis-on line : b.Teknik diaphragmatic breathing is done by draw deep breaths through the nose. If the breathing is normal that swelled his chest, the respiratory diaphragm is the abdomen swelled chest and shoulders while the position has not changed.

When exhaling, the air exhaled slowly through your mouth rather clenched like he was blowing out candles. For the unusual, this technique is a little heavy if done while standing thus advised to exercise in a sitting position first.

"For people with asthma, respiratory diaphragm is preferred because it can take more oxygen," said Dr. Anita Ratnawati, SpKFR (K), physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, an expert in gymnastics asthma from Friendship Hospital in talk show You Can Control Your Asthma in Persahabatan , Rawamangu

4. Weak lethargic
Biznis-on line :Lack of oxygen supply to muscles and brain are the cause of symptoms of weak lethargic when tired and sleepy. Besides need to take a deep breath of oxygen as much as possible, the diaphragm must also be stimulated to be more active pumping of breath.

You do this by closing one nostril, then inhale slowly for 3 seconds. Open nostrils closed, then close the hole which was originally only open and forcefully exhale as if blowing out candles. Make sure the lungs lose blow for 3 seconds.
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