Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Pahala Tarawih prayers the night of the 14th & 15th nights in Ramadan

Pahala Tarawih prayers the night of the 14th

Angels are a special creation of Allah, created from "light" is always sacred and always runs his command never rebelled as manusia.Selalu order to carry out all orders assigned to him without being passed, there is only a prayer that has the task throughout his life, bersholawat only, recording good deeds, and every angel has only one job all his life.
Angels do not have a sin for a lifetime just to run all that has been established and assigned to him, so it is very special like the original that is "light".
Kholifah Ali ibn Abi Talib asked the Prophet what reward Tarawih Prayer on the 14th night of Ramadan?
Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
Pahala Tarawih Prayer on the night of the 14th, "the Angel will testify he had been praying bahwab tarawih and Allah will not suck."
It was very big for us as his people, then we should be grateful Thank God, I hope we can all run on this evening tarawih prayer fervently and get rewards amen .. amen .. yes Robbal alamin.

Pahala Tarawih prayers AT NIGHT TO-15

As we all know that with all the privileges of the angels are always running the commands of Allah, many heavy duty and very noble, but the angels always istiqomah in performing each task.
There are angels who served as bearers of the Throne and the Chair of Allah, how noble and very heavy task for us as humans, but the reward must have been enormous without a doubt an angel nearby lagi.Betapa how special it is with Allah, Allah, angels side.
Every human being when the people have confidence and so close to his master it, whatever will be privileged even if the facility is highly secured and must always be given a more "wow" than others.
Kholifah Ali ibn Abi Talib asked the Prophet what reward Tarawih Prayer on the night of 15th of Ramadan?
Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
Pahala tarawih evening prayers to the 15th: "The Angel of Allah, bearers of the Throne and the Chair will bersholawat him".
How great the reward is, hopefully we can get a reward and we are more motivated by the reward, because it only happens to us all as people of the prophet Muhammad.

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