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Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: Teh Hijau Cegah berbagai Penyakit
Biznis-on line: Teh Hijau Cegah berbagai Penyakit: Sudah sejak lama, teh hijau dikenal memiliki sejuta manfaat, mulai dari kesehatan sampai kecantikan. Teh hijau adalah teh yang dibuat d...
Teh Hijau Cegah berbagai Penyakit
Sudah sejak lama, teh hijau
dikenal memiliki sejuta manfaat, mulai dari kesehatan sampai kecantikan.
Teh hijau adalah teh yang dibuat
dari daun tanaman teh (Camellia sinensis) yang dipetik dan mengalami proses
pemanasan untuk mencegah oksidasi, atau bisa juga berarti minuman yang
dihasilkan dari menyeduh daun teh tersebut.
Jenis-jenis teh hijau yang umum:
Teh terpilih dari daun teh kelas atas yang disebut Tencha. Teh dinamakan Gyokuro karena warna hijau pucat yang keluar dari daun teh. Daun dilindungi dari terpaan sinar matahari sehingga mempunyai aroma yang sangat harum.
Teh hijau berkualitas tinggi yang digiling menjadi bubuk teh dan dipakai untuk upacara minum teh. Matcha mempunyai aroma yang harum sehingga digunakan sebagai perasa untuk es krim rasa teh hijau, berbagai jenis kue tradisional Jepang (wagashi), berbagai permen dan coklat.
Teh hijau yang biasa diminum sehari-hari, dibuat dari daun yang dibiarkan terpapar sinar matahari.
Teh jenis bancha dengan campuran butiran beras yang belum disosoh (genmai) yang dibuat menjadi berondong. Teh mempunyai aroma wangi butiran beras yang setengah gosong.
Teh jenis sencha yang daunnya dilindungi untuk beberapa lama dari terpaan sinar matahari sebelum dipanen. Aroma teh kabusecha sedikit lebih lembut dibandingkan dengan teh sencha.
Teh kasar yang dibuat dari panenan yang kedua kali antara musim panas dan musim gugur. Daun teh untuk teh bancha biasanya lebih besar dari daun teh sencha dan aromanya tidak begitu harum.
Teh yang digongseng di atas penggorengan atau di dalam oven.
Teh berkualitas rendah dari daun teh bercampur tangkai daun teh.
Teh terpilih dari daun teh kelas atas yang disebut Tencha. Teh dinamakan Gyokuro karena warna hijau pucat yang keluar dari daun teh. Daun dilindungi dari terpaan sinar matahari sehingga mempunyai aroma yang sangat harum.
Teh hijau berkualitas tinggi yang digiling menjadi bubuk teh dan dipakai untuk upacara minum teh. Matcha mempunyai aroma yang harum sehingga digunakan sebagai perasa untuk es krim rasa teh hijau, berbagai jenis kue tradisional Jepang (wagashi), berbagai permen dan coklat.
Teh hijau yang biasa diminum sehari-hari, dibuat dari daun yang dibiarkan terpapar sinar matahari.
Teh jenis bancha dengan campuran butiran beras yang belum disosoh (genmai) yang dibuat menjadi berondong. Teh mempunyai aroma wangi butiran beras yang setengah gosong.
Teh jenis sencha yang daunnya dilindungi untuk beberapa lama dari terpaan sinar matahari sebelum dipanen. Aroma teh kabusecha sedikit lebih lembut dibandingkan dengan teh sencha.
Teh kasar yang dibuat dari panenan yang kedua kali antara musim panas dan musim gugur. Daun teh untuk teh bancha biasanya lebih besar dari daun teh sencha dan aromanya tidak begitu harum.
Teh yang digongseng di atas penggorengan atau di dalam oven.
Teh berkualitas rendah dari daun teh bercampur tangkai daun teh.
Berikut ini beberapa manfaat Teh Hijau
bagi kehidupan kita :
1. Menghindari penyakit
Teh hijau merupakan antioksidan yang kuat dan terbukti dapat mengurangi serangan kanker paru-paru, kanker prostat, kanker kulit, stroke, dan serangan jantung. Untuk menambahkan tenaga ekstra ketika mengonsumsinya, tambahkan perasan air jeruk lemon. Kandungan flavonoid dalam teh hijau ternyata bisa memerangi virus hepatitis C.
2. Menurunkan kolesterol dan tekanan darah
Tiga cangkir teh hijau sehari bisa memberikan antioksidan yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk menurunkan tekanan darah dan kolesterol.
3. Menurunkan berat badan
Mengonsumsi secangkir teh hijau sebelum melakukan olahraga terbukti bisa mempercepat penurunan berat badan dan pembakaran lemak. Sebuah penelitian membuktikan bahwa kafein mampu membebaskan asam lemak sehingga Anda bisa membakar lemak jauh lebih mudah. Antioksidan dalam teh juga bekerja sama dengan kafein untuk membantu Anda membakar kalori lebih banyak.
4. Menghilangkan alergi
Sebuah penelitian di Jepang menemukan bahwa teh hijau mengandung senyawa EGCG yang akan membuat tubuh terbebas dari reaksi alergi terhadap debu, bulu binatang, sampai alergi serbuk sari.
1. Menghindari penyakit
Teh hijau merupakan antioksidan yang kuat dan terbukti dapat mengurangi serangan kanker paru-paru, kanker prostat, kanker kulit, stroke, dan serangan jantung. Untuk menambahkan tenaga ekstra ketika mengonsumsinya, tambahkan perasan air jeruk lemon. Kandungan flavonoid dalam teh hijau ternyata bisa memerangi virus hepatitis C.
2. Menurunkan kolesterol dan tekanan darah
Tiga cangkir teh hijau sehari bisa memberikan antioksidan yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk menurunkan tekanan darah dan kolesterol.
3. Menurunkan berat badan
Mengonsumsi secangkir teh hijau sebelum melakukan olahraga terbukti bisa mempercepat penurunan berat badan dan pembakaran lemak. Sebuah penelitian membuktikan bahwa kafein mampu membebaskan asam lemak sehingga Anda bisa membakar lemak jauh lebih mudah. Antioksidan dalam teh juga bekerja sama dengan kafein untuk membantu Anda membakar kalori lebih banyak.
4. Menghilangkan alergi
Sebuah penelitian di Jepang menemukan bahwa teh hijau mengandung senyawa EGCG yang akan membuat tubuh terbebas dari reaksi alergi terhadap debu, bulu binatang, sampai alergi serbuk sari.
Dari : berbagai sumber
Senin, 19 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: 6 Karakteristik Utama Wirausahawan
Biznis-on line: 6 Karakteristik Utama Wirausahawan: Ciri khas seorang Wirausahawan biasanya sudah banyak terlihat sebelum mereka menjadi seorang Wirausahawan yang sukses.Sikap dan perilaku d...
6 Karakteristik Utama Wirausahawan
Ciri khas seorang Wirausahawan biasanya sudah banyak terlihat sebelum mereka menjadi seorang Wirausahawan yang sukses.Sikap dan perilaku dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terasa enak dilihat kedisiplinannya,sifat mandirinya atau bahkan komitmen terhadap janji dan ketepatan perhitungan suatu masalah begitu enak rasanya.
Berikut ini rangkuman
berbagai pendapat para pakar Wirausahawan yang cukup terkenal di
bidangnya,yaitu ada 6 Karakteristik Utama Wirausahawan sbb :
1.Sikap dan Perilaku
Sikap dan Perilaku Disiplin
semestinya sudah dimiliki pribadi-pribadi orang sukses,atau tepatnya sikap dan
perilaku disiplin bukan pemaksaan kehendak seseorang tetapi lahir dan tumbuh dari
kesadaran pribadi diri sendiri.
Kenapa hal itu sangat
penting,karena tanpa sikap dan perilaku disiplin yang melekat dalam pribadi
seseorang,maka ia tidak bisa belajar dengan baik,kalau bekerja pun tidak akan
menghasilkan karya yang baik,bila bekerja sama dengan orang lain pun tidak akan
maksimal.Jadi konsep dan pekerjaan apapun akan terasa lebih tertata,rapi dan
akan sangat meyakinkan orang lain dengan perilaku disiplin,karena semua pihak
pasti menyukainya.
2.Komitmen Tinggi
Komitmen yang tinggi sangat
dibutuhkan seorang wirausahawan sejati,artinya ia harus memiliki wawasan yang
luas dan terbuka sehinga mampu memahami bisnis dengan baik,ia mampu
memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang ada supaya bisa tumbuh berkembang.Memberikan suri
teladan dalam setiap proses dan keputusan yang diambil harus konsisten,tegas
serta adil,sehingga hubungan yang terjalin semakin solid demi perkembangan usahanya masa
sekarang dan ke depan.
Agar hal tersebut bisa
berjalan dengan baik maka dibutuhkan konsentrasi penuh sehingga lebih terfokus
dalam menangani setiap tugas dan masalah sekecil apapun dan berusaha untuk
secepatnya menyelesaikan masalah dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Kejujuran seorang
wirausahawan merupakan salah satu kunci sukses dalam menjalankan usahanya dan
kepercayaan dari para konsumen maupun masyarakat terhadap diri dan usaha yang
sedang tumbuh kembang.
Dengan kejujuran maka dengan
sendirinya kepercayaan konsumen tetap tinggi,prasangka buruk dan dusta tidak
mudah timbul sehingga usahanya baik dalam jangka pendek dan panjang akan bisa
dikendalikan yang tentunya semua itu harus terus dipelihara.
4.Kreatif dan Inovatif
Kreatifitas adalah :
kemampuan seseorang yang melahirkan sesuatu produk yang baru (inovatif).Inovasi
lahir karena orang tidak puas dengan barang yang ada,kemampuan untuk
menciptakan sesuatu yang berbeda dari yang lain,hal-hal yang baru dan bisa
diterima semua lapisan,sehingga konsumen akan selalu menunggu produknya.
Seperti masa saat ini yang
banyak dibicarakan di dunia,mengenai hak paten yang sedang diperebutkan antara Apple (dengan iphon dan ipadnya) dan SAMSUNG (dengan Tabnya).
Pribadi yang mandiri adalah
ia mengetahui apa yang dilakukan dan menyadarinya apa yang akan dicapai atau
apa yang akan dituju.Ia akan bisa menerima segala kelemahan dan keunggulan
dirinya,sehingga ia mampu menggunakannya dengan sepenuh hati,pantang mundur walaupun
masih ada kelemahan dan berusaha lebih baik.Berani menghadapi kenyataan dan
mempunyai potensi yang kuat untuk berprestasi serta mampu menolong diri sendiri
dalam mengatasi permasalahan dalam kehidupannya.
Ketekunan dan keuletan dalam
bekerja keras diwujudkan dengan kemampuannya memulai suatu usaha walaupun kecil
tapi dampaknya luas dimata konsumen.
Realistis artinya kenyataan,dengan
berpikir realistis sesuai akal sehat maka seseorang bisa tumbuh kembang menuju
kesuksesan.Dengan melihat kenyataan yang ada,ia akan berpikir lebih maju untuk
memecahkan suatu maslah,berusaha lebih baik dan selalu intropeksi diri terhadap
kekurangan sehingga menimbulkan sikap optimis dan kemandirian serta selalu
berorientasi ke depan.
Demikian 6 karakteristik
utama Wirausahanyang sukses,tanpa mau menghakimi,bahwa sikap dan perilaku
diatas sejujurnya setiap orang pasti mempunyainya,akan tetapi sifat malas,keyakinan
yang tidak kuat dan takut gagal terkadang selalu menghantui.Terkadang kita
sebagai manusia harus dipaksa dahulu maka baru keluarlah kemanpuan diri yang
Ini terbukti,saat terjadi
krisis dunia termasuk Indonesia pada tahun 1998.akan tetapi bangsa Indonesia
mampu mengatasinya,bahkan sampai saat ini di luar sana,EROPA & AMERIKA
masih berlangsung.
Berikut ini,pendapat yang
cukup terkenal mengenai Wantu dan Uang :
1.Seseorang yang punya TIDAK
PUNYA WAKTU tapi PUNYA UANG adalah :Pengusaha Bodoh.
tapi TIDAK PUNYA UANG adalah :Pengangguran
WAKTU dan TIDAK PUNYA UANG adalah : Pekerja.
dan PUNYA UANG adalah : Pengusaha yang Sukses.
Mana yang anda pilih? Pasti
sebagian besar memilih nomor 4.
Tetapi kita jangan mau hanya
memilih,berpikirlah keluar dari kotak,siapa tahu anda salah satunya.
Ingat,air putih sekarang
jadi barang yang paling banyak dijual,padahal dahulu sebelum,perusahaan air
minum Aqua mengemasnya dalam sebuah botol dan berkembang sebesar sekarang tidak
pernah ada yang berpikir bisa seperti saat ini.
Atau perusahaan air minum The
Botol Sosro yang sekarang cukup terkenal,dahulu setiap orang Indonesia peminum teh,tetapi
setelah dikemas sedemikian rupa ternyata bisa diterima juga oleh semua lapisan
masyarakat dan laku keras,bahkan banyak
perusahaan lain yang mengikutinya.
Bagaimana anda mau dan ingin
Siaplah jadi PEMENANG.
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: Atasi Kejang Anak karena Demam.
Biznis-on line: Atasi Kejang Anak karena Demam.: Atasi Kejang Anak karena Demam. Berkaitan dengan Demam yang hampir semua balita mengalaminya dan terdengar sangat familiar di telinga ka...
Biznis-on line: Ciri-ciri Wirausahawan yang Sukses
Biznis-on line: Ciri-ciri Wirausahawan yang Sukses: Ciri-ciri Wirausahawan yang Sukses Berbicara mengenai Wirausaha pasti tujuan akhir yang diharapkankan SUKSES.Untuk mencapai kesuksesa...
Ciri-ciri Wirausahawan yang Sukses
Ciri-ciri Wirausahawan
yang Sukses
Berbicara mengenai Wirausaha
pasti tujuan akhir yang diharapkankan SUKSES.Untuk mencapai kesuksesan seorang
Wirausahawan tentu harus smart dan mempunyai
modal untuk menjalan usahanya.Apakah harus pendidikan tinggi dan kaya?
Tidak semua WIRAUSAHAAN yang
berhasil dari orang berpendidikan tinggi,banyak
yang lulusan SD tetapi karena tekat yang kuat,usaha yang pantang
menyerah,keyakinan untuk berhasil yang tinggi serta mempunyai sifat jujur dan
mandiri maka keberhasilan bukanlah hanya mimpi.
Orang yang kaya,memang
kerberhasilan membutuhkan modal tetapi tidak semuanya benar,karena orang
sederhana tetapi mempunyai keyakinan yang kuat dan modal kejujuran yang dimilikinya
serta mau bekerja keras maka kepercayaan orang lain yang mampu secara modal
akan mudah didapat.
Kalau begitu apa saja ciri-ciri
seorang WIRAUSAHA yang sukses? Berikut ini ada 8 ciri WIRAUSAHAWAN yang sukses
yaitu :
1.Kerja Keras
Yang dimaksud disini adalah
: orang yang mau bekerja dengan sungguh-sungguh tanpa kenal lelah sampai
tujuannya berhasil sesuai target yang diinginkan,setiap usaha yang telah
ditempuh selalu dievaluasi agar mencapai kepuasan,selalu berusaha terus dan pantang
menyerah selama kepuasan hasil belum didapat.
Sebagai orang yang ingin
berhasil,disiplin adalah mutlak harus dimiliki karena dengan kedisiplinan ia
akan tetap waktu dan tepat janji dengan orang lain sehingga kepercayaan orang
lain mudah didapat,dari sinilah orang akan banyak bekerja sama dengn kita.
Sebagai orang yang bergerak
untuk maju,maka ia harus mempunyai cara berpikir yang realistis bukan hanya
mimpi,gagasannya harus bisa diwujudkan biarpun dari hal yang kecil secara
bertahap selalu bertambah besar sehingga realisasinya bukan hanya angan-angan
saja,jadi ia mampu berpikir sekecil dan sebesar apapun harus sudah dipikirkan
kemungkinan realisasinya.
4.Berorientasi ke masa depan
Seorang Wirausahawan harus
mampu berorientasi atau wawasan ke masa depan,pandangan terhadap apa yang akan
terjadi dimasa depan terhadap perkembangan usahanya,resiko apa saja yang akan
dihadapi,tindakan apa saja yang akan ditempuh sehingga ia mampu mengendalikan
usahanya sejak awal.
Orang yang mandiri niscaya
menumbuhkan sikap percaya diri yang tinggi terhadap diri sendiri,sehingga ia
mampu meyakinkan orang lain tetapi bukab berarti menang sendiri,ia harus bisa
menunjukan kepada orang lain bahwa apa yang dikerjakan atas keinginan sendiri
bukan dari orang lain,sehingga usaha kerasnya bisa tumbuh besar karena sifat
mandiri yang dimilikinya.
6.Komitmen tinggi
Sikap yang memegang teguh
terhadap prinsip kebenaran yang dijalankan,tidak pernah ingkar janji biarpun
dengan diri sendiri ini adalah komitmen yang harus selalu dijaga sehingga
setiap perbuatan dan perkataan, baik dengan diri sendiri maupun orang lain
menjadi prinsip kehidupan dalam berbisnis.
Adalah sifat dan keinginan
yang kuat serta dipadu dengan pikiran yang murni dari diri sendiri sehingga
bisa menunjukkan apa yang menjadi keunggulannya terhadap orang orang bisa
berhasil mendapatkan suatu penghargaan,tidak mencuri ide orang lain untuk
mencapai tujuannya.Ini adalah bukti nyata prestasi yang diraih,bukan karena orang
lain tapi kerjasama dia sebagai pimpinan dan anak buahnya dalam mencapai
Dengan kejujuran maka
kepercayaan orang lain akan timbul,sehingga semua pelaku bisnis akan mudah
bekerja sama,karena jujur merupakan suatu amanah yang harus dijunjung
tinggi,sehingga didalam usahanya tidak ada yang berkhianat,ingkar janji dan
selalu berkata serta berbuat jujur.Karena dalam bisnis bila sudah tidak ada
kejujuran maka segala aktifitas bisnis ( kirim barang,hitung/timbang
barang,pembayaran hutang dan lain-lain) akan terhenti dan tidak ada yang mau
bekerja sama,maka akhirnya akan bangkrut.
Apakah semua orang harus
memiliki ke-8 ciri dan sifat diatas? Ya,coba anda lihat di berbagai media baik Koran/majalah
atau elektronik on line (internet/maya),banyak tokoh-tokoh WIRAUSAHAN yang
diwawancarai seperti Bob Sadino yang terkenal dengan celana jin pendeknya dan lain-lain,mereka
mempunya jiwa yang kuat,mandiri,pantang menyerah,jujur dan pekerja keras.Mereka
adalah pelaku langsung bukan hanya memerintah tapi orang lain yang
menjalankan,mereka turun langsung dan mengawasi setiap jenis kegiatan dan usaha
yang dilakukan sehingga antara bawahan dan atasan saling bersinergi mempunyai
wawasan yang sama untuk mencapai kesuksesan.Karyawannya merasa dihargai,tidak cuma
diambil tenaganya saja tetapi merasa dilibatkan langsung sehingga akan tumbuh
besar bersama,saling memelihara dan menjaga agar usahanya bermanfaat baik untuk
diri sendiri atau orang lain.Ini secara otomatis kehidupan masing-masing pelaku
semakin mapan sehingga akan lahir inovasi-inovasi yang lebih produktif yang
Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: 3 Trik Strategi dasar USAHAHAWAN SUKSES
Biznis-on line: 3 Trik Strategi dasar USAHAHAWAN SUKSES: Apa itu WIRAUSAHA ? Bicara soal WIRAUSAHA tentunya pasti ada pelakunya,atau kata lain WIRAUSAHAWAN.disini bukan saya mau menonjolkan pela...
3 Trik Strategi dasar USAHAHAWAN SUKSES
Bicara soal WIRAUSAHA tentunya pasti ada pelakunya,atau kata lain WIRAUSAHAWAN.disini bukan saya mau menonjolkan pelaku usaha laki-laki termasuk didalamnya juga wanita atau WIRAUSAHAWATI.
Kalau ada WIRAUSAHA tentu pasti ada ilmunya yangdisebut : KEWIRAUSAHAAN.Menurut Savary dalam teori bukunya yang terkenal “Kamus Dagang”,Kewirausahaan berasal dari kata “Entrepreneur yang artinya adalah : orang yang membeli barang dengan harga pasti walaupun orang itu belum mengetahui berapa harga barang itu akan dijual. Jadi seorang yang akan menjadi WIRAUSAHA itu harus mempunyai sikap “EKONOMIS” artinya setelah dia membeli barang dengan harga yang pasti tersebut sebagai pelaku atau WIRAUSAHAN/WIRAUSAHAWATI harus berani mengambil keputusan secara Ekonomis,mau menjual dengan harga berapa agar tidak “merugi”.
Disini untuk pemula pasti semua WIRAUSAHAWAN mencari keuntungan,biar kecil tetapi kalau skala besar pasti akan mendapatkan hasil yang banyak,dalam hal ini modal dan skill pelaku sangat berpengaruh.Dalam hal mencari keuntungan tidak semua harus dinilai dari segi “UANG” ada hal lain seperti “ nilai plus secara ekonomis “ artinya : dalam membeli barang tidak harus dijual lebih tinggi dari harga beli,tetapi apabila tujuannya untuk menarik konsumen datang maka harganya bisa sama dengan harga beli ( harga beli = harga jual ) secara ekonomis konsumen yang dekat dengan tempat usaha pastinya berpikir,dengan harga yang sama di tempat yang dekat kenapa harus membeli jauh-jauh,secara ekonomis tidak perlu transport dan waktu lebih bisa dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan yang lain.Sudah pasti konsumen yang cerdas akan berperilalu Ekonomis pula,setelah itu sebgai pelaku USAHA anda yang menentukan,apakah setelah konsumen banyak mau dinaikkan atau ditunda sampai kepercayaan konsumen lebih stabil?Pilihan ada ditangan Anda.
Nilai Ekonomis yang kedua,”harga jual lebih rendah dari harga beli ( harga beli>harga jual )” artinya disini pelaku usaha melakukan subsidi silang dengan harga barang yang lain,jadi secara ekonomis trik ini dilakukan untuk mendatangkan konsumen agar bisa membeli juga barang yang lain dengan harga yang lebih tinggi,karena disini berlaku “siapa kenal maka akan sayang,siapa yang tertarik maka akan membeli”,unsur tata letak dan kemasan barang yang akan dijadikan prioritas harus disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga para konsumen yang datang tertarik dan akhirnya membeli,disinilah perlunya ada managemen keuangan yang baik agar tidak merugi.
Kesimpulan diatas,bahwa Secara Ekonomis dalam menjual ada 3 strategi yaitu :
1.Harga Jual lebih tinggi dari Harga Beli ( HARGA BELI < HARGA JUAL).
Hal ini banyak dilakukan hampir semua pelaku WIRAUSAHA,karena usaha memang mencari nilai Ekonomisnya.
2.Harga Jual sama dengan Harga Beli ( HARGA BELI = HARGA JUAL ).
Ini banyak dilakukan para pelaku WIRAUSAHA untuk mendatangkan konsumen,strategi yang jitu untuk yang berpikir smart dalam hal praktis dan ekonomis.
3.Harga Jual lebih murah dari Harga beli ( HARGA BELI > HARGA JUAL ).
Bicara soal WIRAUSAHA tentunya pasti ada pelakunya,atau kata lain WIRAUSAHAWAN.disini bukan saya mau menonjolkan pelaku usaha laki-laki termasuk didalamnya juga wanita atau WIRAUSAHAWATI.
Kalau ada WIRAUSAHA tentu pasti ada ilmunya yangdisebut : KEWIRAUSAHAAN.Menurut Savary dalam teori bukunya yang terkenal “Kamus Dagang”,Kewirausahaan berasal dari kata “Entrepreneur yang artinya adalah : orang yang membeli barang dengan harga pasti walaupun orang itu belum mengetahui berapa harga barang itu akan dijual. Jadi seorang yang akan menjadi WIRAUSAHA itu harus mempunyai sikap “EKONOMIS” artinya setelah dia membeli barang dengan harga yang pasti tersebut sebagai pelaku atau WIRAUSAHAN/WIRAUSAHAWATI harus berani mengambil keputusan secara Ekonomis,mau menjual dengan harga berapa agar tidak “merugi”.
Disini untuk pemula pasti semua WIRAUSAHAWAN mencari keuntungan,biar kecil tetapi kalau skala besar pasti akan mendapatkan hasil yang banyak,dalam hal ini modal dan skill pelaku sangat berpengaruh.Dalam hal mencari keuntungan tidak semua harus dinilai dari segi “UANG” ada hal lain seperti “ nilai plus secara ekonomis “ artinya : dalam membeli barang tidak harus dijual lebih tinggi dari harga beli,tetapi apabila tujuannya untuk menarik konsumen datang maka harganya bisa sama dengan harga beli ( harga beli = harga jual ) secara ekonomis konsumen yang dekat dengan tempat usaha pastinya berpikir,dengan harga yang sama di tempat yang dekat kenapa harus membeli jauh-jauh,secara ekonomis tidak perlu transport dan waktu lebih bisa dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan yang lain.Sudah pasti konsumen yang cerdas akan berperilalu Ekonomis pula,setelah itu sebgai pelaku USAHA anda yang menentukan,apakah setelah konsumen banyak mau dinaikkan atau ditunda sampai kepercayaan konsumen lebih stabil?Pilihan ada ditangan Anda.
Nilai Ekonomis yang kedua,”harga jual lebih rendah dari harga beli ( harga beli>harga jual )” artinya disini pelaku usaha melakukan subsidi silang dengan harga barang yang lain,jadi secara ekonomis trik ini dilakukan untuk mendatangkan konsumen agar bisa membeli juga barang yang lain dengan harga yang lebih tinggi,karena disini berlaku “siapa kenal maka akan sayang,siapa yang tertarik maka akan membeli”,unsur tata letak dan kemasan barang yang akan dijadikan prioritas harus disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga para konsumen yang datang tertarik dan akhirnya membeli,disinilah perlunya ada managemen keuangan yang baik agar tidak merugi.
Kesimpulan diatas,bahwa Secara Ekonomis dalam menjual ada 3 strategi yaitu :
1.Harga Jual lebih tinggi dari Harga Beli ( HARGA BELI < HARGA JUAL).
Hal ini banyak dilakukan hampir semua pelaku WIRAUSAHA,karena usaha memang mencari nilai Ekonomisnya.
2.Harga Jual sama dengan Harga Beli ( HARGA BELI = HARGA JUAL ).
Ini banyak dilakukan para pelaku WIRAUSAHA untuk mendatangkan konsumen,strategi yang jitu untuk yang berpikir smart dalam hal praktis dan ekonomis.
3.Harga Jual lebih murah dari Harga beli ( HARGA BELI > HARGA JUAL ).
Strategi para pelaku WIRAUSAHA yang sudah mapan dan mampu mengendalikan managemen keuangannya untuk mencapai kesuksesannya.
Anda mau menjadiWIRAUSAHAWAN/WIRAUSAHAWATI yang sukses,silakan mencoba trik diatas,keberanian untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru dan inovarif adalah kunci WIRAUSAHAWAN yang sukses.
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: Sprout helps the physical growth and intelligence ...
Biznis-on line: Sprout helps the physical growth and intelligence ...: Seedling or young shoots emerging from the planted seeds, proved to be a "warehouse" of nutrients, the nutritional value is much many time...
Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: Mengapa Wanita Modern Kurang Respect Memberi ASI ?...
Biznis-on line: Mengapa Wanita Modern Kurang Respect Memberi ASI ?...: Mengapa Wanita Modern Kurang Respect Memberi ASI ? Tuhan menciptakan sesuatu bukan tidak maksud dan tujuan,tetapi terkadang kita sebagai man...
Mengapa Wanita Modern Kurang Respect Memberi ASI ?
Mengapa Wanita Modern Kurang Respect Memberi ASI ?
Tuhan menciptakan sesuatu bukan tidak maksud dan tujuan,tetapi terkadang kita sebagai manusia suka menantang takdir-Nya,secara tidak sadar kita membuat argumentasi yang terlalu awam untuk bisa mengerti secara detail maksud penciptaan-Nya,sehingga membuat suatu argumentasi hanya untuk kepentingan sesaat,sedangkan jangka panjangnya nanti dulu (maklum semakin modern semua kepengin praktis dan ekonomis tapi terkadang egois dan narsis).
Ini sering kita dengar dan kita lihat,semakin banyak produk susu formula yang semakin gencar dengan aneka iklan yang “ selalu baik dan unggul buat balita “ kita tanpa mengindahkan kodrat sebagai seorang wanita sebagai makhluk Alloh yang terkenal dengan kasih sayang yang tulus dan kelembutannya dalam mengasuh titipan-Nya.Bahkan banyak memakai bintang-bintang iklan wanita yang sudah cukup terkenal dengan berbagai aktifitasnya yang serba sibuk dan “wah” sehingga semakin mantap dan meyakinkan para calon ibu muda dan ibu muda untuk menyiapkan yang terbaik buat anaknya bila lahir nanti.
Di jaman modern ini ASI ( Air Susu Ibu ) bari calon ibu dan ibu merupakan barang yang terlalu (maaf) mahal untuk diberikan kepada sang bayi yang nota bene akan menjadi anak kesayangan dan kebanggaannya kelak di kemudian hari,mereka lebih sayang untuk menjaga demi alas agar payudara tetap indah dan tetap disayang suami,padahal secara normal ibu yang melahirkan secara otomatis mengeluarkan ASI,sehingga bila tidak diberikan kepada sang bayi maka payudara akan membengkak dengan sendirinya,tapi ini terkadang bisa diatasi dengan memompanya keluar kemudian dibuang,sungguh sayang ASI yang merupakan air susu yang istimewa dari Tuhan terbuang sia-sia.
ASI sungguh sangat istimewa dan ajaib manfaatnya buat anak kita,tetapi tidak semua menyadarinya,berikut ini manfaat yang amat sangat rugi bila tidak kita berikan buat anak kesayangan kita,yaitu :
1.ASI membantu menjaga kesehatan bayi. ASI melindungi bayi dari beberapa jenis penyakit seperti pilek, flu, diare, dan infeksi telinga.
2.ASI siap tersedia siang atau malam, kapanpun bayi Anda lapar. Selalu pada suhu yang tepat.
3. Mudah bagi bayi Anda untuk mencerna ASI, karena tubuhlah yang membuat ASI untuk bayi Anda.
4. ASI bersih secara alami. ASI keluar dari payudara ke mulut bayi dan tidak akan berubah kualitasnya atau rusak.
5.ASI membantu mencegah ruam popok
6.Bayi yang disusui kurang mungkin kelebihan berat badan di kemudian hari. Mereka belajar untuk berhenti makan ketika kenyang, bukan ketika botol kosong.
7. Bayi yang disusui secara penuh selama enam bulan atau lebih lebih pintar, ketika diberikan tes IQ pada usia sekoalah, dibandingkan dengan bayi yang diberikan susu formula.
8.Buat sang ibu,payudara akan lebih sehat dan tidak membengkak.
9.Tidak perlu menyiapkan buget yang besar untuk membeli susu formula,karena ASI gratis,siapkan saja makanan bergizi buat sang ibu,ibu senang anakpun sehat tidak mudah terkena penyakit.
Jadi anda para calon ibu dan ibu-ibu mengapa tidak memberikan ASI-nya kepada anak kita sendiri?Masih ragu untuk memberikan ASI untuk anak kita sebagai calon-calon pemimpin masa depan ?
Berikan ASI secara eksklusif miniml 6 bulan,lebih bagus lagi selama 2 tahun,pasti tidak akan merugikan buat anak tersayang.
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: 4 sifat dasar seorang WIRAUSAHA TULEN
Biznis-on line: 4 sifat dasar seorang WIRAUSAHA TULEN: Bahkan semua karyawan kantor baik swasta atau negri juga bisa disebut sebagai seorang wirausaha, asalkan ia memiliki sifat atau mental sebag...
4 sifat dasar seorang WIRAUSAHA TULEN
Bahkan semua karyawan kantor baik swasta atau negri juga bisa disebut sebagai seorang wirausaha, asalkan ia memiliki sifat atau mental sebagai wirausaha, yang diaplikasikan ke dalam kegiatan pekerjaannya.Mungkin secara tidak sadar terkadang ada temen kita setiap momen menjelang lebaran ada yang menjual kue-kue lebaran,kebetulan ada yang nitip untuk ditawarkan ke teman-teman yang kebetulan satu bagian dengan kita.secara tidak langsung pasti kita mencoba menawarkan plus dengan berbagai informasi yang mendukung agar membeli kue tersebut ( mau menawarkan karena setiap ada yang membeli saya akan mendapatkan bonus,lumayan buat uang jajan tambahan,tanpa modal tapi dapat kocek,modal omong doang).
Dan mungkin masih banyak hal yang lain yang kita alami tetapi secara tidak sadar itu merupakan sifat seorang WIRAUSAHA,tinggal keberanian kita untuk mencoba.Berikut ini sifat-sifat dasar seorang WIRAUSAHA yaitu :
1.Bersikap hemat.
Dengan bersikap hemat, Anda sudah memiliki sifat-sifat seorang wirausaha sejati. Sifat hemat dalam diri seorang wirausaha bisa membuat banyak perubahan dalam strategi bisnis dan menekan pengeluaran berlebihan. Ketika membuat rencana keuangan di kantor, biasakan untuk menghemat pengeluaran tersebut agar rencana keuangan kantor tidak terganggu,atau membuat rencana belanja rumah tangga ( uang belanja,uang sekolah anak,jajan anak,uang transport dll) agar gaji kita cukup,syukur bisa menabung biar Cuma sedikit.
2. Inovatif
Kreatif dan inovatif merupakan salah satu syarat penting yang dimiliki seorang wirausaha. Dalam dunia kantoran, inisiatif, inovasi, dan kreativitas juga sangat dibutuhkan untuk memajukan perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja. Contohnya suatu saat Anda memiliki ide untuk membanu teman yang sedang mempromosikan produk. Meski bukan bagian dari tugas Anda, tapi tak ada salahnya untuk menyumbang ide yang bagus. Siapa tahu bermanfaat untuk membantu teman yang sedang membutuhkan dana buat sekolah anaknya,sekalian beramal bisa tambah akrab sesama teman.
Berjiwa kreatif dan inovatif dalam pekerjaan tidak hanya berguna untuk memupuk jiwa wirausaha dalam diri saja, tetapi juga untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir jernih dan mencari celah usaha dan memanfaatkannya dengan positif. Bisa juga nantinya berguna untuk naik jabatan, karena ide inovasi dari Anda.
3. Berjiwa besar
Setiap hal yang dilakukan tak jarang akan berakibat pada kegagalan. Namun jika Anda memiliki jiwa wirausaha, seharusnya hal ini tidak akan membuat Anda merasa kalah. Justru, semangat Anda terpacu untuk maju dan berusaha lebih baik lagi.Ketika ide Anda ditolak, atau misalnya ada karyawan baru yang dinilai lebih aktif, maka Anda harus berjiwa besar dan justru menjadi semangat Anda untuk maju,dan mencari ide yang lebih kreatif yang lain untuk suatu masalah yang lain pula.Pantang menyerah dan terus usaha,itu kunci Anda untuk sukses.
Setiap pekerjaan pasti menuntut kedisiplinan yang tinggi. Kemampuan disiplin diri yang tinggi akan membuat Anda sukses dalam setiap pekerjaan yang Anda lakukan. Dalam hal disiplin diri, perempuan lebih unggul dibanding pria,tetapi soal keberanian pria lebih menonjol,tapi Anda tidak usah takut,soal keputusan secara tidak langsung akan kita temukan jalan yang terbaik,seiring dengan pengalaman yang kita peroleh,sehingga keberanian akan muncul dengan sendirinya.
Apakah Anda mempunyai sifat-sifat tersebut diatas,kalau ya,Selamat Menjadi Orang Sukses,modal awal sudak Anda miliki,tinggal memupuk dan keberanian Anda untuk mencoba langkah berikutnya.
Dan mungkin masih banyak hal yang lain yang kita alami tetapi secara tidak sadar itu merupakan sifat seorang WIRAUSAHA,tinggal keberanian kita untuk mencoba.Berikut ini sifat-sifat dasar seorang WIRAUSAHA yaitu :
1.Bersikap hemat.
Dengan bersikap hemat, Anda sudah memiliki sifat-sifat seorang wirausaha sejati. Sifat hemat dalam diri seorang wirausaha bisa membuat banyak perubahan dalam strategi bisnis dan menekan pengeluaran berlebihan. Ketika membuat rencana keuangan di kantor, biasakan untuk menghemat pengeluaran tersebut agar rencana keuangan kantor tidak terganggu,atau membuat rencana belanja rumah tangga ( uang belanja,uang sekolah anak,jajan anak,uang transport dll) agar gaji kita cukup,syukur bisa menabung biar Cuma sedikit.
2. Inovatif
Kreatif dan inovatif merupakan salah satu syarat penting yang dimiliki seorang wirausaha. Dalam dunia kantoran, inisiatif, inovasi, dan kreativitas juga sangat dibutuhkan untuk memajukan perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja. Contohnya suatu saat Anda memiliki ide untuk membanu teman yang sedang mempromosikan produk. Meski bukan bagian dari tugas Anda, tapi tak ada salahnya untuk menyumbang ide yang bagus. Siapa tahu bermanfaat untuk membantu teman yang sedang membutuhkan dana buat sekolah anaknya,sekalian beramal bisa tambah akrab sesama teman.
Berjiwa kreatif dan inovatif dalam pekerjaan tidak hanya berguna untuk memupuk jiwa wirausaha dalam diri saja, tetapi juga untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir jernih dan mencari celah usaha dan memanfaatkannya dengan positif. Bisa juga nantinya berguna untuk naik jabatan, karena ide inovasi dari Anda.
3. Berjiwa besar
Setiap hal yang dilakukan tak jarang akan berakibat pada kegagalan. Namun jika Anda memiliki jiwa wirausaha, seharusnya hal ini tidak akan membuat Anda merasa kalah. Justru, semangat Anda terpacu untuk maju dan berusaha lebih baik lagi.Ketika ide Anda ditolak, atau misalnya ada karyawan baru yang dinilai lebih aktif, maka Anda harus berjiwa besar dan justru menjadi semangat Anda untuk maju,dan mencari ide yang lebih kreatif yang lain untuk suatu masalah yang lain pula.Pantang menyerah dan terus usaha,itu kunci Anda untuk sukses.
Setiap pekerjaan pasti menuntut kedisiplinan yang tinggi. Kemampuan disiplin diri yang tinggi akan membuat Anda sukses dalam setiap pekerjaan yang Anda lakukan. Dalam hal disiplin diri, perempuan lebih unggul dibanding pria,tetapi soal keberanian pria lebih menonjol,tapi Anda tidak usah takut,soal keputusan secara tidak langsung akan kita temukan jalan yang terbaik,seiring dengan pengalaman yang kita peroleh,sehingga keberanian akan muncul dengan sendirinya.
Apakah Anda mempunyai sifat-sifat tersebut diatas,kalau ya,Selamat Menjadi Orang Sukses,modal awal sudak Anda miliki,tinggal memupuk dan keberanian Anda untuk mencoba langkah berikutnya.
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011
Biznis-on line: Thick blood Caution should be, it could be an earl...
Biznis-on line: Thick blood Caution should be, it could be an earl...: Experience is the best teacher for human who want to think, this is real as experienced by a doctor below, may be useful, happy reading. ...
Thick blood Caution should be, it could be an early indication of various diseases.
Experience is the best teacher for human who want to think, this is real as experienced by a doctor below, may be useful, happy reading.
BLOOD is thicker or hypercoagulable state in which there is a tendency of clot formation of blood clot or thrombus within the blood vessels, block blood flow when the thrombus in both arteries (artery) or veins (vein) is called thrombosis. Thrombus is detached and carried in the
blood circulation is called an embolus.
Thrombosis that occurs in the brain can cause symptoms of a stroke, if there is in the eyes can cause vision suddenly diminished or disappeared, and when it occurs in the heart can cause acute heart attack and cause sudden death.
Conditions that tend to coagulate the blood can interfere with circulation and will cause symptoms that is wide enough. Symptoms that occur are known as hyperviscosity syndromes such as migraine headache or a difficult control, complaints of vertigo, blurred vision, ringing in the ears and the feeling of numbness in the lower leg as feeling the blood does not flow. If gore is not managed well it will form a blood clot (thrombus) and when clogging in the blood vessels will provide a more serious symptoms such as severe stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), thrombosis in blood vessels of the eye, ear, regions stomach is also in the placenta (afterbirth) in pregnant women and lower limbs.
All organs can be affected and will show symptoms in accordance with the relevant organs. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain due to blood coagulation may lead to impaired balance, experiencing frequent migraine attacks, or headaches, also feel unsteady when walking. Other symptoms such as vertigo, seizures, memory decline may occur.
In the eyes can cause double vision (seeing double), the ear can cause sudden deafness. At the heart of a heart attack can occur with the formation of blood clots in the foyer of the heart, the lungs can occur shortness of breath that occurs arrived - arrived accompanied by chest pain due to a clot that clogs blood vessels (pulmonary embolism), which resulted in sudden death.
Several variations of the complaints and symptoms of patients with thick blood that came to consult a doctor can be seen in patients following example:
1. A 25-year-old man came to the doctor with complaints of sudden onset of vertigo and memory diminished, the time of the complaint and all of a sudden sudden feet and hands feel weak and unable to be moved. Weak sense is then improved within approximately 1 hour. Told that his oldest brother who had a stroke at age 30. On examination found no high blood pressure, no diabetes or elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. CT brain scan showed normal results. Search against the possibility of hereditary diseases found a deficiency Protein C and S.
Events experienced by men was a mild stroke symptoms are sometimes referred to as transient ischemic attack (TIA) or briefly iskhemik attack that could have improved in less than 24 hours.
Patients are given anti-platelet and anti-coagulation (anti-blood clot) and also a good explanation about the illness that has a high level of compliance to take medication regularly and control to the physician on the schedule that is recommended, so that patients avoid the attack of stroke. In general, are hereditary clot thrombus often occurs at a young age and often experience repeated attacks (relapses) and a positive family history. It takes a good explanation of the disease to the patient's family, so that other family members are encouraged to undergo laboratory tests are also suffering the same disorder.
2. A 45-year-old woman came to the doctor with complaints of right lower leg swelling since 3 days in advance. He also noted that two years ago she underwent surgery and was diagnosed as right breast cancer and had undergone a complete chemotherapy program. On examination the right lower leg was swollen, painful when moved, and no sign of infection. Doppler sonographic examination results obtained vascular thrombus in the right popliteal vein. This patient was suffering from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with the underlying disease is breast cancer. In cancer patients, especially those from glands (adenocarcinomas) as in breast, pancreas, ovaries (ovarian) and prostate cancer cells to produce mucin substance that makes blood cancer patients become more viscous and tends to occur a clot (thrombus).
Anticoagulant treatment is given orally or parenterally (injection) and gave encouraging results.
3. A woman (mother) came to the doctor with a story that he is having a pregnancy which to - 3 in the age of 4 weeks. Presented by the mother also is that in the first pregnancy at age 10 weeks of bleeding and is said by doctors of miscarriage (abortion) and performed curettage. The same thing occurs in the second pregnancy at 12 weeks gestation. After resting for 2 years then the mother is trying to get pregnant again and asked the doctor if there is a disease that makes a mother often had a miscarriage?
After the examination for the presence of infection or chromosomal abnormalities that cause recurrent abortion occurs with a negative outcome, then examination whether there is a chance the mother is suffering from the disease gore antiphospholipid syndrome?
Inspection to ensure the antiphospholipid syndrome is an examination of anticardiolipin antibody (ACA) antibodies or anti-É ¿2-GP1 (glycoprotein-1) and gave positive results in two times the examination with a range of 6 weeks.
These mothers were given treatment with blood thinners (aspirin) and anticoagulants (heparin) during pregnancy and postpartum. Children born in good health as well as his mother.
The story that occurred in three patients described above is the state of gore with the underlying disease and symptoms that are due to the formation of thrombosis in certain organs. Especially in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombosis found in the arteries (arteries) of the placenta (afterbirth) consequently the fetus does not receive enough food that affect fetal growth disorders (abortion) or born prematurely.
Inside the magazine Garuda contained in the Garuda plane, we can read an article about Deep Vein Thrombosis which convey that the event is known as Economy Class Syndrome. Anyone who sat without moving for long periods of time will experience stagnation in the circulation of body fluids. This can cause blood clots in the bottom of your foot.
When the calf and foot is not moved, blood clots can develop in such a way as to cause a serious condition. It is therefore advisable to do aerobic exercises as directed (with pictures) and drink plenty of water and move many] times in the aircraft cabin if indeed possible.
Gore treatment aims to prevent thrombus is therefore necessary to follow the pattern of patient adherence to long-term treatment or perhaps a lifetime. One drug antitrombosit simple and cheap are acetosal (aspirin), which in small doses of 100 mg per day can prevent the onset of thrombus.
Use of anticoagulant drugs requiring laboratory monitoring because of uncontrolled bleeding can lead to complications in the form.
With antithrombotic treatment to prevent the occurrence of thrombosis such as aspirin and anticoagulants such as warfarin and heparin provide adequate results and laboratory tests and other investigations to confirm the diagnosis of thrombosis caused by a clot can be performed in laboratories and hospitals are full, you should consult with local specialists .
BLOOD is thicker or hypercoagulable state in which there is a tendency of clot formation of blood clot or thrombus within the blood vessels, block blood flow when the thrombus in both arteries (artery) or veins (vein) is called thrombosis. Thrombus is detached and carried in the
blood circulation is called an embolus.
Thrombosis that occurs in the brain can cause symptoms of a stroke, if there is in the eyes can cause vision suddenly diminished or disappeared, and when it occurs in the heart can cause acute heart attack and cause sudden death.
Conditions that tend to coagulate the blood can interfere with circulation and will cause symptoms that is wide enough. Symptoms that occur are known as hyperviscosity syndromes such as migraine headache or a difficult control, complaints of vertigo, blurred vision, ringing in the ears and the feeling of numbness in the lower leg as feeling the blood does not flow. If gore is not managed well it will form a blood clot (thrombus) and when clogging in the blood vessels will provide a more serious symptoms such as severe stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), thrombosis in blood vessels of the eye, ear, regions stomach is also in the placenta (afterbirth) in pregnant women and lower limbs.
All organs can be affected and will show symptoms in accordance with the relevant organs. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain due to blood coagulation may lead to impaired balance, experiencing frequent migraine attacks, or headaches, also feel unsteady when walking. Other symptoms such as vertigo, seizures, memory decline may occur.
In the eyes can cause double vision (seeing double), the ear can cause sudden deafness. At the heart of a heart attack can occur with the formation of blood clots in the foyer of the heart, the lungs can occur shortness of breath that occurs arrived - arrived accompanied by chest pain due to a clot that clogs blood vessels (pulmonary embolism), which resulted in sudden death.
Several variations of the complaints and symptoms of patients with thick blood that came to consult a doctor can be seen in patients following example:
1. A 25-year-old man came to the doctor with complaints of sudden onset of vertigo and memory diminished, the time of the complaint and all of a sudden sudden feet and hands feel weak and unable to be moved. Weak sense is then improved within approximately 1 hour. Told that his oldest brother who had a stroke at age 30. On examination found no high blood pressure, no diabetes or elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. CT brain scan showed normal results. Search against the possibility of hereditary diseases found a deficiency Protein C and S.
Events experienced by men was a mild stroke symptoms are sometimes referred to as transient ischemic attack (TIA) or briefly iskhemik attack that could have improved in less than 24 hours.
Patients are given anti-platelet and anti-coagulation (anti-blood clot) and also a good explanation about the illness that has a high level of compliance to take medication regularly and control to the physician on the schedule that is recommended, so that patients avoid the attack of stroke. In general, are hereditary clot thrombus often occurs at a young age and often experience repeated attacks (relapses) and a positive family history. It takes a good explanation of the disease to the patient's family, so that other family members are encouraged to undergo laboratory tests are also suffering the same disorder.
2. A 45-year-old woman came to the doctor with complaints of right lower leg swelling since 3 days in advance. He also noted that two years ago she underwent surgery and was diagnosed as right breast cancer and had undergone a complete chemotherapy program. On examination the right lower leg was swollen, painful when moved, and no sign of infection. Doppler sonographic examination results obtained vascular thrombus in the right popliteal vein. This patient was suffering from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with the underlying disease is breast cancer. In cancer patients, especially those from glands (adenocarcinomas) as in breast, pancreas, ovaries (ovarian) and prostate cancer cells to produce mucin substance that makes blood cancer patients become more viscous and tends to occur a clot (thrombus).
Anticoagulant treatment is given orally or parenterally (injection) and gave encouraging results.
3. A woman (mother) came to the doctor with a story that he is having a pregnancy which to - 3 in the age of 4 weeks. Presented by the mother also is that in the first pregnancy at age 10 weeks of bleeding and is said by doctors of miscarriage (abortion) and performed curettage. The same thing occurs in the second pregnancy at 12 weeks gestation. After resting for 2 years then the mother is trying to get pregnant again and asked the doctor if there is a disease that makes a mother often had a miscarriage?
After the examination for the presence of infection or chromosomal abnormalities that cause recurrent abortion occurs with a negative outcome, then examination whether there is a chance the mother is suffering from the disease gore antiphospholipid syndrome?
Inspection to ensure the antiphospholipid syndrome is an examination of anticardiolipin antibody (ACA) antibodies or anti-É ¿2-GP1 (glycoprotein-1) and gave positive results in two times the examination with a range of 6 weeks.
These mothers were given treatment with blood thinners (aspirin) and anticoagulants (heparin) during pregnancy and postpartum. Children born in good health as well as his mother.
The story that occurred in three patients described above is the state of gore with the underlying disease and symptoms that are due to the formation of thrombosis in certain organs. Especially in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombosis found in the arteries (arteries) of the placenta (afterbirth) consequently the fetus does not receive enough food that affect fetal growth disorders (abortion) or born prematurely.
Inside the magazine Garuda contained in the Garuda plane, we can read an article about Deep Vein Thrombosis which convey that the event is known as Economy Class Syndrome. Anyone who sat without moving for long periods of time will experience stagnation in the circulation of body fluids. This can cause blood clots in the bottom of your foot.
When the calf and foot is not moved, blood clots can develop in such a way as to cause a serious condition. It is therefore advisable to do aerobic exercises as directed (with pictures) and drink plenty of water and move many] times in the aircraft cabin if indeed possible.
Gore treatment aims to prevent thrombus is therefore necessary to follow the pattern of patient adherence to long-term treatment or perhaps a lifetime. One drug antitrombosit simple and cheap are acetosal (aspirin), which in small doses of 100 mg per day can prevent the onset of thrombus.
Use of anticoagulant drugs requiring laboratory monitoring because of uncontrolled bleeding can lead to complications in the form.
With antithrombotic treatment to prevent the occurrence of thrombosis such as aspirin and anticoagulants such as warfarin and heparin provide adequate results and laboratory tests and other investigations to confirm the diagnosis of thrombosis caused by a clot can be performed in laboratories and hospitals are full, you should consult with local specialists .
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
Biznis-on line: Keep your heart to stay Healthy and Fresh
Biznis-on line: Keep your heart to stay Healthy and Fresh: Keeping the Heart, To stay Healthy and Fresh Keep your heart to stay Healthy and Fresh The liver plays a very vital, keeping the heart s...
Keep your heart to stay Healthy and Fresh
Keeping the Heart, To stay Healthy and Fresh
Keep your heart to stay Healthy and Fresh
The liver plays a very vital, keeping the heart similar to Maintain Quality of Life, with a good Quality of Life and Health, Life More Exciting, Ibadahpun the Quiet & Comfortable.
Liver or liver plays an important role in neutralizing toxins or detoxify the body. To maintain liver function, there is always a good idea to choose healthy foods, especially those that are helping clean toxic. Author of Natural Prescr i ptions for Common ailments, Dr.. Carolyn Dean, said that bitter foods like spinach and mustard greens are very good to wash the liver. Bitter herbs that help stimulate the flow of bile in the liver. Also recommended increase intake of fruits, legumes, and omega-3 fatty acids to help metabolize fats and reduce the production of triglycerides. Not hard to get this liver friendly foods:
1. Onions (white and onions). Contain sulfur which helps sweep various toxic substances such as chemical drugs, alcohol, pesticides, and other environmental pollutants.
2. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts. Its content of vitamin K is important for the detoxification process.
3. Artichoke. These vegetables contain acids that can protect caffeoylquinat well as regenerate the liver. Artichoke also increase bile production. In one study, 30 minutes after eating artichoke increases bile flow to 100 percent.
4. Legumes such as beans, peas, soybeans, contain the amino acid arginine is needed in the detoxification of ammonia, the waste product of protein digestion.
5. Bran, oat bran, or brown rice, as well as pears and apples. This water soluble fiber helps the liver remove cholesterol and bile when you eat greasy foods.
6. Turmeric. Cooking contains curcumin which has traditionally been used as a remedy for liver disorders. Two recent studies in rats exposed to mercury, suggesting turmeric can protect the liver from chemical toxins that attack. Yellow dye curcumin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
7.Protein foods from tofu, fish, and organic chicken will maintain growth and prevent the formation of tissue in the fatty liver.
8. Food sources of antioxidants. Studies conducted at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Tuffs University found that most antioxidant-rich fruits are blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, oranges, melons, apples, pears, plums, and grape fruit. Apples also contain pectin that is able to bind and remove heavy metals from the body.
9. Foods rich in folate, flavonoids, magnesium, iron, sulfate, selenium, vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12, C, and E, to ward off free radicals and helps purge toxins damaging body tissues.
10.Lemon.Drink about 2 liters of water per hari.Combine by drinking warm water laced with lemon juice so get up early to help clean the liver. Also stimulates production of bile and stomach wash.
- It also needs attention:
a. Cook the vegetables by steaming or pan-fried.
b. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats.
c. Do not over-consume alcohol, to avoid the occurrence of fatty liver.
d. Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, antibiotics, muscle relaxant, antidepressants, caffeine, cigarette toxins, etc. because it can overload the liver and injured liver.
e. Consumption of excessive vitamin A supplements can overload the liver.
f. Be careful taking herbs such as kava and komfre, because if not by the rules can interfere with liver function.
Want to stay Healthy, Keep Your Heart, Body-Field Healthy Heart
Liver or liver plays an important role in neutralizing toxins or detoxify the body. To maintain liver function, there is always a good idea to choose healthy foods, especially those that are helping clean toxic. Author of Natural Prescr i ptions for Common ailments, Dr.. Carolyn Dean, said that bitter foods like spinach and mustard greens are very good to wash the liver. Bitter herbs that help stimulate the flow of bile in the liver. Also recommended increase intake of fruits, legumes, and omega-3 fatty acids to help metabolize fats and reduce the production of triglycerides. Not hard to get this liver friendly foods:
1. Onions (white and onions). Contain sulfur which helps sweep various toxic substances such as chemical drugs, alcohol, pesticides, and other environmental pollutants.
2. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts. Its content of vitamin K is important for the detoxification process.
3. Artichoke. These vegetables contain acids that can protect caffeoylquinat well as regenerate the liver. Artichoke also increase bile production. In one study, 30 minutes after eating artichoke increases bile flow to 100 percent.
4. Legumes such as beans, peas, soybeans, contain the amino acid arginine is needed in the detoxification of ammonia, the waste product of protein digestion.
5. Bran, oat bran, or brown rice, as well as pears and apples. This water soluble fiber helps the liver remove cholesterol and bile when you eat greasy foods.
6. Turmeric. Cooking contains curcumin which has traditionally been used as a remedy for liver disorders. Two recent studies in rats exposed to mercury, suggesting turmeric can protect the liver from chemical toxins that attack. Yellow dye curcumin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
7.Protein foods from tofu, fish, and organic chicken will maintain growth and prevent the formation of tissue in the fatty liver.
8. Food sources of antioxidants. Studies conducted at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Tuffs University found that most antioxidant-rich fruits are blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, oranges, melons, apples, pears, plums, and grape fruit. Apples also contain pectin that is able to bind and remove heavy metals from the body.
9. Foods rich in folate, flavonoids, magnesium, iron, sulfate, selenium, vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12, C, and E, to ward off free radicals and helps purge toxins damaging body tissues.
10.Lemon.Drink about 2 liters of water per hari.Combine by drinking warm water laced with lemon juice so get up early to help clean the liver. Also stimulates production of bile and stomach wash.
- It also needs attention:
a. Cook the vegetables by steaming or pan-fried.
b. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats.
c. Do not over-consume alcohol, to avoid the occurrence of fatty liver.
d. Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, antibiotics, muscle relaxant, antidepressants, caffeine, cigarette toxins, etc. because it can overload the liver and injured liver.
e. Consumption of excessive vitamin A supplements can overload the liver.
f. Be careful taking herbs such as kava and komfre, because if not by the rules can interfere with liver function.
Want to stay Healthy, Keep Your Heart, Body-Field Healthy Heart
Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011
Biznis-on line: Take advantage of residual waste to drink tea, mor...
Biznis-on line: Take advantage of residual waste to drink tea, mor...: Tea is often served to accompany a relaxing time. This drink is also known for its benefits to help those who are in weight loss programs. H...
Take advantage of residual waste to drink tea, more natural and ... GO GREEN
Tea is often served to accompany a relaxing time. This drink is also known for its benefits to help those who are in weight loss programs. However, did you know that tea still has many other uses? Consider a few:
1. Cleaning the carpet Sprinkle with green tea leaves that have been used on carpet. Let soak for 10 minutes, then vacuum is an area rug. Types of Persian and oriental rugs can also be cleaned using a soft leaf green tea. In this type of carpet, sprinkle the tea leaves that are almost dry, then gently brush the surface of the carpet. 2. Polished wood floors Black tea can help and give color to polished hardwood floors. Clean the floor as usual, then rub gently tea has been brewed to the floor. Do not use too much water on the hardwood floor like this. After that let it dry itself. 3. Polishing wooden furniture Tea is also useful in cleaning and polishing of varnished wood furniture. Dip a soft cloth into a little tea has brewed for wiping furniture such as desks, chairs, and others. 4. Clean mirrors and windows Tea powerful way to remove stubborn stains such as stamp our hands on the window and make it shiny again. Simply rub a damp tea bags on the glass, or spray steeping tea through a spray bottle to clean it. 5. Clean stains in toilet Many say that the tea leaves to remove dirt that is difficult to clean at the base of the toilet. Try to put tea leaves into the toilet for several hours, then flush the toilet with water. After that brush a dirty toilet basin basis. 6. Protect from sunlight To restore skin sunburn, attach a wet tea bag on the burned area. 7. Soothe tired eyes The bag is wet and warm tea can reduce swelling and relieve pain around the eyes are tired. 8. Relieve bleeding gums For children who just lost his teeth, try to stick a wet tea bag and cooled in the area of the teeth that date. This can reduce the bleeding and relieve pain. 9. Light dry hair Brewed tea can be a natural conditioner for use on dry hair. Rinse your hair with fresh tea, and let your hair dry for a while. Then rinse again with water. 10. Reduce acne Bored with acne treatments that did not improve? Try to clean your face with green tea to reduce acne. Follow the ancient way to cool the tea steeping overnight, and then use the marinade is to wash your face in the morning. 11. Smoothly meat People used to wrap meat in papaya leaves to soften the meat. This time, try hard to soak meat in marinade of black tea to make it more tender. 12. Helping the growth of ornamental plants Occasionally, use brewed tea for watering house plants. Spread the tea leaves that have been abandoned around the rose bush, then add fertilizer and water. Tannic acid in tea and other nutrients will nourish plants. Put some tea bags that have been unused in the bottom of the pot can also help retain water in the soil, and add nutrients. Benefits can be obtained if we diligently experimenting, sometimes prank but sweet fruit, so why do not we do, like the example above. Let us save the world with real actions, although small, but if every man you do the results were quite amazing. ... Life .... GO GREEN, let's start from now
1. Cleaning the carpet Sprinkle with green tea leaves that have been used on carpet. Let soak for 10 minutes, then vacuum is an area rug. Types of Persian and oriental rugs can also be cleaned using a soft leaf green tea. In this type of carpet, sprinkle the tea leaves that are almost dry, then gently brush the surface of the carpet. 2. Polished wood floors Black tea can help and give color to polished hardwood floors. Clean the floor as usual, then rub gently tea has been brewed to the floor. Do not use too much water on the hardwood floor like this. After that let it dry itself. 3. Polishing wooden furniture Tea is also useful in cleaning and polishing of varnished wood furniture. Dip a soft cloth into a little tea has brewed for wiping furniture such as desks, chairs, and others. 4. Clean mirrors and windows Tea powerful way to remove stubborn stains such as stamp our hands on the window and make it shiny again. Simply rub a damp tea bags on the glass, or spray steeping tea through a spray bottle to clean it. 5. Clean stains in toilet Many say that the tea leaves to remove dirt that is difficult to clean at the base of the toilet. Try to put tea leaves into the toilet for several hours, then flush the toilet with water. After that brush a dirty toilet basin basis. 6. Protect from sunlight To restore skin sunburn, attach a wet tea bag on the burned area. 7. Soothe tired eyes The bag is wet and warm tea can reduce swelling and relieve pain around the eyes are tired. 8. Relieve bleeding gums For children who just lost his teeth, try to stick a wet tea bag and cooled in the area of the teeth that date. This can reduce the bleeding and relieve pain. 9. Light dry hair Brewed tea can be a natural conditioner for use on dry hair. Rinse your hair with fresh tea, and let your hair dry for a while. Then rinse again with water. 10. Reduce acne Bored with acne treatments that did not improve? Try to clean your face with green tea to reduce acne. Follow the ancient way to cool the tea steeping overnight, and then use the marinade is to wash your face in the morning. 11. Smoothly meat People used to wrap meat in papaya leaves to soften the meat. This time, try hard to soak meat in marinade of black tea to make it more tender. 12. Helping the growth of ornamental plants Occasionally, use brewed tea for watering house plants. Spread the tea leaves that have been abandoned around the rose bush, then add fertilizer and water. Tannic acid in tea and other nutrients will nourish plants. Put some tea bags that have been unused in the bottom of the pot can also help retain water in the soil, and add nutrients. Benefits can be obtained if we diligently experimenting, sometimes prank but sweet fruit, so why do not we do, like the example above. Let us save the world with real actions, although small, but if every man you do the results were quite amazing. ... Life .... GO GREEN, let's start from now
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011
Biznis-on line: Cholesterol go down, better quality of Life, Eatin...
Biznis-on line: Cholesterol go down, better quality of Life, Eatin...: You belong to a fan of vegetables? There is good news for you. Vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Calories and low in carbohyd...
Cholesterol go down, better quality of Life, Eating Vegetables now.
You belong to a fan of vegetables? There is good news for you. Vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Calories and low in carbohydrates that could actually help lower blood cholesterol levels.
Vegetables in Indonesia is cheap and varied, this will be the most healthful alternative to make life more healthy, WHY? Jamna We know now that many prepared foods tend to raise cholesterol, which contains a lot of animal flesh is delicious eaten in times when such a meeting or a meeting with the customer supplier.jadi pengin stay healthy tone and exists, eat your vegetables. Vegetables tend to taste bland, making a lot of people do not like. Whereas vegetables rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals are very powerful for the body. In addition to maintaining digestive health due to the high fiber content, eating lots of vegetables can also lower cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a major trigger factor for heart disease. Therefore, excess cholesterol in the bloodstream can form plaque in artery walls. This plaque would make the artery more and thicker, harder and less flexible. Consequently obstructed blood flow to the heart that trigger heart attacks. Researchers from the University of Toronto, Canada recently, said plant-based diet and whole grains can prevent and help reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood. In this study, the researchers enrolled 400 volunteers and divided them into three groups. They are fed grain-based plants and biian for 6 months, to find evidence that cholesterol can be lowered with the help of a diet based on vegetables and grains. The first group ate a diet with foods low in fat, the second group a diet of vegetables, and a third group with a vegetable diet focuses on whole grains. The result, the first group experienced a decrease in the level of low density lipoprotein, or a decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL), as much as 8 milligrams per deciliter. While the second and third group who ate more vegetables and grains decreased cholesterol as much as 24-26 milligrams per deciliter. Therefore, a diet based on vegetables, legumes, and whole grains have a natural fat content. That way, those who eat natural fats could regularly and prevents blood flow and helps to lower high cholesterol levels. Not only that, eat plenty of vegetables also could preserve and improve heart health and prevent constipation. Nothing is difficult, if we want to try, to make healthy is very simple, let's raise vegetables to eat more natural and definitely GO GREEN IN THE WORLD ..... GO ... GO ... GO
Vegetables in Indonesia is cheap and varied, this will be the most healthful alternative to make life more healthy, WHY? Jamna We know now that many prepared foods tend to raise cholesterol, which contains a lot of animal flesh is delicious eaten in times when such a meeting or a meeting with the customer supplier.jadi pengin stay healthy tone and exists, eat your vegetables. Vegetables tend to taste bland, making a lot of people do not like. Whereas vegetables rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals are very powerful for the body. In addition to maintaining digestive health due to the high fiber content, eating lots of vegetables can also lower cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a major trigger factor for heart disease. Therefore, excess cholesterol in the bloodstream can form plaque in artery walls. This plaque would make the artery more and thicker, harder and less flexible. Consequently obstructed blood flow to the heart that trigger heart attacks. Researchers from the University of Toronto, Canada recently, said plant-based diet and whole grains can prevent and help reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood. In this study, the researchers enrolled 400 volunteers and divided them into three groups. They are fed grain-based plants and biian for 6 months, to find evidence that cholesterol can be lowered with the help of a diet based on vegetables and grains. The first group ate a diet with foods low in fat, the second group a diet of vegetables, and a third group with a vegetable diet focuses on whole grains. The result, the first group experienced a decrease in the level of low density lipoprotein, or a decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL), as much as 8 milligrams per deciliter. While the second and third group who ate more vegetables and grains decreased cholesterol as much as 24-26 milligrams per deciliter. Therefore, a diet based on vegetables, legumes, and whole grains have a natural fat content. That way, those who eat natural fats could regularly and prevents blood flow and helps to lower high cholesterol levels. Not only that, eat plenty of vegetables also could preserve and improve heart health and prevent constipation. Nothing is difficult, if we want to try, to make healthy is very simple, let's raise vegetables to eat more natural and definitely GO GREEN IN THE WORLD ..... GO ... GO ... GO
Biznis-on line: Kolesterol mau turun,Hidup lebih berkualitas,Makan...
Biznis-on line: Kolesterol mau turun,Hidup lebih berkualitas,Makan...: Anda termasuk penggemar sayuran? Ada kabar baik buat Anda. Sayuran kaya akan serat, vitamin dan mineral. Kalori dan karbohidratnya yang ...
Kolesterol mau turun,Hidup lebih berkualitas,Makan Sayur-mayur sekarang.
Anda termasuk penggemar sayuran? Ada kabar baik buat Anda. Sayuran kaya akan serat, vitamin dan mineral. Kalori dan karbohidratnya yang rendah ternyata bisa membantu menurunkan kadar kolestrol darah.
Di Indonesia sayur mayur termasuk murah dan beragam,ini akan menjadi alternatif yang paling menyehatkan buat hidup lebih sehat,KENAPA? Kita tahu jamna sekarang banyak makanan siap saji yang cenderung meningkatkan kolesterol,banyak mengandung daging hewani yang sangat nikmat disantap disaat-saat pertemua semacam Meeting dengan customer atau supplier.jadi nada pengin tetap sehat dan eksis,makanlah sayur mayur.
Rasa sayuran yang cenderung hambar, membuat banyak orang tidak suka. Padahal sayur kaya kandungan vitamin, serat dan mineral yang sangat dahsyat buat tubuh. Selain memelihara kesehatan pencernaan karena kandungan seratnya yang tinggi, banyak makan sayur juga bisa menurunkan kadar kolestrol.
Kolestrol tinggi merupakan faktor pemicu utama penyakit jantung. Sebab, kolesterol berlebih dalam aliran darah bisa membentuk plak di dinding arteri. Plak ini akan membuat arteri semakin tebal, keras dan kurang fleksibel. Akibatnya aliran darah ke jantung terhambat yang memicu serangan jantung. Para peneliti dari Universitas Toronto Kanada baru-baru ini, menyatakan diet berbasis tanaman dan biji-bijian bisa mencegah serta membantu menurunkan kadar kolestrol tinggi dalam darah. Dalam studi ini, para peneliti melibatkan sebanyak 400 orang relawan dan membaginya menjadi 3 kelompok. Mereka diberi makanan berbasis tanaman serta biji-biian selama 6 bulan, untuk menemukan bukti bahwa kolesterol dapat diturunkan dengan bantuan diet berbasis sayuran dan biji-bijian. Kelompok pertama menjalani diet dengan makan makanan rendah lemak, kelompok kedua menjalani diet sayuran, dan kelompok ketiga menjalani diet sayuran dengan berfokus pada biji-bijian. Hasilnya, kelompok pertama mengalami penurunan pada tingkat lipoprotein densitas rendah, atau menurunnya kolesterol jahat (LDL), sebanyak 8 miligram per desiliter. Sedangkan kelompok kedua dan ketiga yang banyak makan sayur serta biji-bijian mengalami penurunan kolesterol sebanyak 24 - 26 miligram per desiliter. Sebab, diet berbasis sayuran, kacang-kacangan, maupun biji-bijian memiliki kandungan lemak alami. Dengan begitu, mereka yang makan lemak alami secara teratur bisa melancarkan aliran darah dan mencegah serta membantu menurunkan tingkat kolestrol tinggi. Tidak hanya itu, banyak makan sayur juga bisa memelihara serta meningkatkan kesehatan jantung serta mencegah terjadinya sembelit. Tidak ada yang sulit,kalau kita mau mencoba,untuk membuat sehat sangatlah sederhana,mari kita tingkatkan makan sayur mayur yang lebih alami dan yang pasti GO GREEN IN THE WORLD.....GO...GO...GO
Kolestrol tinggi merupakan faktor pemicu utama penyakit jantung. Sebab, kolesterol berlebih dalam aliran darah bisa membentuk plak di dinding arteri. Plak ini akan membuat arteri semakin tebal, keras dan kurang fleksibel. Akibatnya aliran darah ke jantung terhambat yang memicu serangan jantung. Para peneliti dari Universitas Toronto Kanada baru-baru ini, menyatakan diet berbasis tanaman dan biji-bijian bisa mencegah serta membantu menurunkan kadar kolestrol tinggi dalam darah. Dalam studi ini, para peneliti melibatkan sebanyak 400 orang relawan dan membaginya menjadi 3 kelompok. Mereka diberi makanan berbasis tanaman serta biji-biian selama 6 bulan, untuk menemukan bukti bahwa kolesterol dapat diturunkan dengan bantuan diet berbasis sayuran dan biji-bijian. Kelompok pertama menjalani diet dengan makan makanan rendah lemak, kelompok kedua menjalani diet sayuran, dan kelompok ketiga menjalani diet sayuran dengan berfokus pada biji-bijian. Hasilnya, kelompok pertama mengalami penurunan pada tingkat lipoprotein densitas rendah, atau menurunnya kolesterol jahat (LDL), sebanyak 8 miligram per desiliter. Sedangkan kelompok kedua dan ketiga yang banyak makan sayur serta biji-bijian mengalami penurunan kolesterol sebanyak 24 - 26 miligram per desiliter. Sebab, diet berbasis sayuran, kacang-kacangan, maupun biji-bijian memiliki kandungan lemak alami. Dengan begitu, mereka yang makan lemak alami secara teratur bisa melancarkan aliran darah dan mencegah serta membantu menurunkan tingkat kolestrol tinggi. Tidak hanya itu, banyak makan sayur juga bisa memelihara serta meningkatkan kesehatan jantung serta mencegah terjadinya sembelit. Tidak ada yang sulit,kalau kita mau mencoba,untuk membuat sehat sangatlah sederhana,mari kita tingkatkan makan sayur mayur yang lebih alami dan yang pasti GO GREEN IN THE WORLD.....GO...GO...GO
Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
Keep your blood pressure, avoid old age so as not to senile
Your blood pressure should be maintained so that old age is not senile.
The decline in cognitive abilities in the elderly (seniors) are often regarded as normal. In fact, declining cognitive abilities characterized by many forget is an early symptom of senility or dementia.
Dementia is a severe and progressive intellectual decline that interferes with social functioning, employment, and a person's daily activities. Recent hypothesis states, dementia has been linked to high blood pressure (over 140/90) in the elderly.
Research that was held the researchers from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the United States, by scanning the brains of patients with hypertension found a scar formation in the brain which would later lead to dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Scarring can be formed since the middle age, years before the occurrence of memory disorders in the elderly. "How to prevent cognitive decline in older adults the main thing is to control blood pressure," said Dr. Walter Koroshet, Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health, USA.
Age is the biggest factor of the emergence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Scientists have long noticed that heart disease risk factors (hypertension, obesity, diabetes) the cause of dementia. However, they still have not found a direct link.
Now the researchers found that most patients with dementia had one or two risk factors. And, factors that will weaken the arterial hypertension is believed to accelerate the process of Alzheimer's disease.
The hypothesis the researchers is the increase in high blood pressure will damage the tiny blood vessels that feed the brain marrow (white matter) and interfere with the signal. In fact, the brain marrow function like a telephone network in the nervous system so that each brain cell is able to communicate with one another. When the connection is interrupted, of course, will happen pikun.Jadi keep your blood pressure so that the elderly keep fit.
Old age we have to prepare early, or from now or not at all, certainly when we do not want our children to succeed in the future but we can not enjoy or at least we can feel that what we fight for is not in vain .
SO DO NOT REGRET LATER, when we CAN, DO NOT TOO LATE to pack Welcoming future BETTER AND healthy.
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Biznis-on line: Humor story: Judge to hell with the Little People ...
Biznis-on line: Humor story: Judge to hell with the Little People ...: Judge Acts Stupid A country is said to have a Judge that stupid, he was appointed by the King who happens to still close relatives, attempt...
Humor story: Judge to hell with the Little People The Fool
Judge Acts Stupid
A country is said to have a Judge that stupid, he was appointed by the King who happens to still close relatives, attempts to discuss the intention that the King is easy to control.
Well, one time there ang very amusing incident occurred, so there was no punishment to the guilty.
In a middle of the night, a thief climbed up the walls of the rich are stingy and stupid, when the thief stepped on the sill, the wood was already fragile.Then thieves fall fall to the ground, his legs broken and can not be run, with such circumstances the burglars to easily rounded up and presented to the judge.
Once a thief in front of the judge, he asked, "you knew then why are brought before me?"
The thief had a shrewd sense to face the Judge that stupid, he also immediately responded, "I confronted the judge as to complain about a problem." "What problem?" Said Judge. "You see the judge, I had just climbed the wall of the rich man," pointing to the direction of the rich man. "At the time of stepping on the threshold of his bedroom window, broke the wood so I dropped off and broke my kaki.Maka come before, so the judge to punish the rich man, having been careless installing wood that has been fragile, so I was so wretched." Stupid judge nodded, "What is true, O rich man, you broke your window?" "Yes sir Judge," replied the rich man. "If it happened once, you will I'm the law three years in prison, if later a thief to death, I will punish thou die." For a moment the rich man tremble, but then he replied, "I sent a carpenter to install windows, so the host judge may not punish me, carpenter wrong." "Yes ... yes .. yes, that one carpenter, not a rich man." So dipanggilah carpenter's face, while the rich are released, "Am I correct that you are installing wood windows that rich people?" Carpenter nodded honest, because he was not have error. "Then, you will be my law 3 years in prison, the thief died later you too will be my law to die," said Judge stupid. But the carpenter was immediately answered, "Sorry, sir Dear Judge, I admit that when pairs of windows that are less powerful, but it's wrong not me." "Then who? "Ask the judge. "A girl in the red suit." "The reason you know what? "Asked Judge. "Well sir, the story is, when I was installing a wood window, Gone are a beautiful girl dressed in red, with its swings charming I was blown away, so my eyes fixed on the pretty girl," the story of the carpenter. Long story short, the girl in the red dress was dragged by force facing a stupid judge. "What it really says a carpenter? At the time of installing windows on the rich, you pass in front of his house with the red dress? "Ask a stupid judge. "Yes sir judge," she replied innocently. "Then, because the red shirt, you are my law," said master judge. Hearing the words of the judge, the girl dared to argue, "If it's red shirt, is certainly not me wrong, dyer bajulah wrong, why he dyed with red color." "The reason it makes sense too, the clothes dyer to me the law," the judge said later. The judge quickly ordered official, looking for clothes dyer, because he could not quibble law 3 years in prison, how he's unfortunately, not one month of the thief dead dyer world.Appropriate making clothes should be sentenced to death. Incidentally the clothes dyer very tall stature, he was dragged from the cell was taken to the gallows for the hanging rope worn around dead.So law, because of his height exceeds the gallows, for 2 hours is not dead dyer-die shirt, laporlah executioner to master judge. "Excuse me, sir been 2 hours but, clothes dyer's not dead either," said the executioner. "What why?" Said the judge. "He was very tall, while pole hangers very short". "Fool you, so it can not be overcome," the judge scolded. "Keep going, how sir? "Asked the executioner again. "If he's too high, just look for a short dyer, hang him," said the Judge stupid without thinking. That same day, the tall clothes dyer released, whereas a clothes dyer dwarf hanged, he had nothing to do with the events he itu.Kebetulan bodied dwarf, so that innocent victims because of the ignorance of the Judge's.
The thief had a shrewd sense to face the Judge that stupid, he also immediately responded, "I confronted the judge as to complain about a problem." "What problem?" Said Judge. "You see the judge, I had just climbed the wall of the rich man," pointing to the direction of the rich man. "At the time of stepping on the threshold of his bedroom window, broke the wood so I dropped off and broke my kaki.Maka come before, so the judge to punish the rich man, having been careless installing wood that has been fragile, so I was so wretched." Stupid judge nodded, "What is true, O rich man, you broke your window?" "Yes sir Judge," replied the rich man. "If it happened once, you will I'm the law three years in prison, if later a thief to death, I will punish thou die." For a moment the rich man tremble, but then he replied, "I sent a carpenter to install windows, so the host judge may not punish me, carpenter wrong." "Yes ... yes .. yes, that one carpenter, not a rich man." So dipanggilah carpenter's face, while the rich are released, "Am I correct that you are installing wood windows that rich people?" Carpenter nodded honest, because he was not have error. "Then, you will be my law 3 years in prison, the thief died later you too will be my law to die," said Judge stupid. But the carpenter was immediately answered, "Sorry, sir Dear Judge, I admit that when pairs of windows that are less powerful, but it's wrong not me." "Then who? "Ask the judge. "A girl in the red suit." "The reason you know what? "Asked Judge. "Well sir, the story is, when I was installing a wood window, Gone are a beautiful girl dressed in red, with its swings charming I was blown away, so my eyes fixed on the pretty girl," the story of the carpenter. Long story short, the girl in the red dress was dragged by force facing a stupid judge. "What it really says a carpenter? At the time of installing windows on the rich, you pass in front of his house with the red dress? "Ask a stupid judge. "Yes sir judge," she replied innocently. "Then, because the red shirt, you are my law," said master judge. Hearing the words of the judge, the girl dared to argue, "If it's red shirt, is certainly not me wrong, dyer bajulah wrong, why he dyed with red color." "The reason it makes sense too, the clothes dyer to me the law," the judge said later. The judge quickly ordered official, looking for clothes dyer, because he could not quibble law 3 years in prison, how he's unfortunately, not one month of the thief dead dyer world.Appropriate making clothes should be sentenced to death. Incidentally the clothes dyer very tall stature, he was dragged from the cell was taken to the gallows for the hanging rope worn around dead.So law, because of his height exceeds the gallows, for 2 hours is not dead dyer-die shirt, laporlah executioner to master judge. "Excuse me, sir been 2 hours but, clothes dyer's not dead either," said the executioner. "What why?" Said the judge. "He was very tall, while pole hangers very short". "Fool you, so it can not be overcome," the judge scolded. "Keep going, how sir? "Asked the executioner again. "If he's too high, just look for a short dyer, hang him," said the Judge stupid without thinking. That same day, the tall clothes dyer released, whereas a clothes dyer dwarf hanged, he had nothing to do with the events he itu.Kebetulan bodied dwarf, so that innocent victims because of the ignorance of the Judge's.
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011
Biznis-on line: The specialty of the Prophet Muhammad
Biznis-on line: The specialty of the Prophet Muhammad: Prophet Muhammad a lot of privileges, even from her parents in sight and will be a very handsome man besar.Ayahnya Abdulloh and his face wa...
The specialty of the Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad a lot of privileges, even from her parents in sight and will be a very handsome man besar.Ayahnya Abdulloh and his face was shining there was a "special nur/light" so as footman much admired many women, to the extent that there are 200 women did not want to marry it. But after her marriage to Siti Aminah, nur a special move to the body and face his wife Siti Aminah because the body contains the seeds of the Prophet Muhammad.
During Siti Aminah contain, in each month have always dreamed of meeting with the prophets of Allah and they commanded the same thing, so that the baby would be named: Muhammad, while those who met the Prophet in a dream Siti Aminah as follows:
Month One: Dreaming met with Prophet Adam
Second Month: Dreaming met with Noah
Third Month: Dreaming of the Prophet met with David
Fourth Month: Dreaming met with Prophet Idris
Fifth Month: Dreaming met with Prophet Sulayman
The six months: Dreaming met with Prophet Ibrahim
The seventh month: Dreaming met with the Prophet Ismail
Those eight months: Dreaming met with the Prophet Joseph
The nine months: Dreaming met with the Prophet Isa
(Sorry if there is no order, because when listening is not directly recorded)
Muhammad Prophet SAW was born on Monday, 12 Robbi'ulawal early years of the Elephant or 20 April 571 AD.
At the age of the 13 Muhammad asked his uncle Abu Sham Tholib to trade in the country, somewhere mreks met a Christian priest named: Bukhairah, he saw nothing special on Muhammad, and he said to Abu Tholib, "Behold this child's brother would get position timggi, then keep it well ".
At the age of 25 Prophet Muhammad went to Sham transform and the second time, with a male slave from Siti Khadijah named Maisarah (he was carrying merchandise belonging to Siti Khadijah), on the way met a Tahib (priest) named Natsuer, he also looked like nothing special Bukhairah on the Prophet Muhammad himself.
At the age of 35 in Mecca the Quraysh was building the Kaaba (renovation) and was about to put the "AL Hajarul Stone" meaning a black stone in its place next to the east, and they disagree about who is most appropriate to put the sacred stone in place, because This is a very noble.THEN they agreed, the next day who that first enter from the Safa, he who has the right to decide the case itu.So incoming first is the Prophet Muhammad, then he wisely put his turban (headband ) above ground and put the rock right in the middle, then he ordered the head of each tribe held every corner of the turban and lifted into place and carried the Prophet Muhammad himself who placed exactly in the same spot. (This shows how wisely him in order to solve problems the chiefs could be involved but not offended).
Since the incident he can name: AL-AMIN (one that can be trusted).
Similarly, a glimpse of the many privileges the prophet Muhammad, who was appointed to the Prophet's messenger at age 7 to 40 until now have been thousands of years but is still remembered and become role models, he was the only one of the most famous person in this world until the later end times.
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
Biznis-on line: Tips: Prevent Acne on face
Biznis-on line: Tips: Prevent Acne on face: Acne will be excruciating anymore because it often appears at puberty which he said most people is the most beautiful, masa2 courtship. how ...
Tips: Prevent Acne on face
Acne will be excruciating anymore because it often appears at puberty which he said most people is the most beautiful, masa2 courtship. how we could have a boyfriend if your face is a nest of acne? It must be difficult is not it? Here are tips that will make your acne disappear and will not bother you anymore penmpilan:
1. Washing your face two times a day
Washing your face two times a day will help remove the oil on the surface of our skin. If we are rarely cleaned, then the acne-causing bacteria will thrive in our faces. But remember .. do not wash face excessively especially facial scrub because it actually will increase oil production sobaceous which can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day with mild soap.
2. Customize your cosmetics with your skin type
If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin, if you use cosmetics that do not suit your skin type .. acne will soon come to your facial skin. So be careful in choosing cosmetics.
3. as much as possible avoid oily cosmetics.
we face will naturally produce oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible to avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be the media that causes acne bacteria to settle on our faces.
4. Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm.
5. Drinking water
Nearly 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.
6. use a skin moisturizer
Using a moisturizer will help to nourish our skin, especially from dry skin and pecah2. However moisturizer here does not mean that greasy moisturizer .. it's a lot of cosmetic products that are water.
7. always make sure your skin is clean before bed.
Always wash your face before bed to regenerate the skin well.
8. Frequently eat vegetables and fruit.
sayur2an contain many vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand eat vegetables or fruits, especially those containing vitamin E. With healthy skin, then acne would be difficult to grow and develop.
9. Adequate sleep and regular.
The skin is also just like us, need a break. So get used to sleeping enough and regularly. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and dangerous racun2 so that when we wake up the next day we will kebali fresh skin.
Perform routine every day, usually oily skin acne potentially higher, less oily food and frequently washing your face with facial soap to control it.
Biznis-on line: Mute your anger? Overcome by eating the fruit.
Biznis-on line: Mute your anger? Overcome by eating the fruit.: Every person must have some anger, some even explode controlled.People not that hungry always irritable. Hungry stomach starts growling, exp...
Mute your anger? Overcome by eating the fruit.
Every person must have some anger, some even explode controlled.People not that hungry always irritable. Hungry stomach starts growling, experience a sense of weakness and fatigue.
Anger is an emotional state caused by a complaint or an affliction. Angered by another person or because there is an event that causes emotional instability.
The hunger was sparked anger. This is because when people are left hungry for long periods, then the blood sugar levels in her body deeply troubled. As a result, the supply of glucose (sugar) that reaches the brain is reduced.
Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia is what will make one's anger rises, so easily offended and angry. Low blood sugar can also be accompanied by anxiety, fatigue and headaches.
When low levels of serotonin in the body can also make people irritable and angry. Serotonin is a hormone that controls mood, appetite and sleep, is also a hormone that makes people feel happy and eliminate negative emotions.
Here are some foods that can relieve anger:
1. Banana
Bananas can help increase serotonin levels in the body, it is because bananas are a source triptofan.Pisang as one breakfast food to prevent hunger and lethargy before lunch.
2. Almonds
Almonds contain amino acids tryptophan, an amino acid has the highest level. When eating almonds, tryptophan enters the brain quickly and serotonin levels increase, so they can keep anger.
3. Cheese
Cheese is a rich source of protein, essential amino acid tryptophan and carbohydrates. Thus, cheese helps improve mood and relieve crankiness and irritability.
4. Sweet orange juice
A glass of sweet oranges can also be a shock to anger. Sugar in the lemon juice mixture to make the limits of patience more loosely than they should, making it useful for controlling temperament and other negative emotions.
Basically a sweet fruit chilled and fresh try, you can simply reduce anger.
If you happen to have a higher narah properties, prepare from now on because this is very important, the age of growing old much-needed emotional health.
There is a saying "quick-tempered old man," we ought to ponder this because by maintaining the anger is exhausting and emotionally we are, the better we reduce, or eliminate if possible.
May be useful and good luck to live healthier.
Biznis-on line: Morality key to business success Rosullulloh way.
Biznis-on line: Morality key to business success Rosullulloh way.: As a prophet of the end times, the role of the Prophet Muhammad is perfect, not only as a statesman, but his role as leader of the people an...
Morality key to business success Rosullulloh way.
As a prophet of the end times, the role of the Prophet Muhammad is perfect, not only as a statesman, but his role as leader of the people and missionaries. The other side gets less attention is his career as a merchant (entrepreneur)
He had the bitter experience of being born in a state of orphans, when his father was gone. At the age of six, on his way back from Yathrib after the visit the tomb of his father, Muhammad returned to lose a parent because it was her mother died. You can imagine in the age of six years Mohammed has been orphaned. Until the age of eight years and 2 months, he nurtured and educated by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, a respectable time. Age after the death of his grandfather, was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib. Starting a small boy that's when Muhammad began to earn a living by herding goats themselves.
At the age of 12 years, Muhammad was invited by his uncle to the Syrians to trade thousands of kilometers from the city of Makkah. The journey so far taken by a child aged 12 years without using a car or plane, as was done by people today. Coming home from the Syrians, Muhammad very often conduct business until he was well known in the Arabian Peninsula as a successful young businessman.
In short, before prophethood the Prophet have laid the basic principles in conducting business transactions are fair. Honesty and openness in conducting trade transactions Messenger is a role model for a next-generation entrepreneurs. He always kept his word and deliver merchandise with quality standards in accordance with customer demand so never make the customers complain or even disappointed. Reputation as a customer who really has been embedded with a good honest. Since young, he always showed his sense of responsibility towards each transaction made.
So if anyone is complaining because it was born of poor people compared with Muhammad, who was born without a father at his side. When the reason for low education, compared with Muhammad, who is not never been to school. And when the lack of capital becomes an obstacle, compared with Muhammad, who is not armed with material capital. That way there is no single reason for us to complain.
Independent attitude and does not depend on others is one of attitude that should be owned by a true entrepreneur. Emotional intelligence is owned Prophet also very good at building a network. No half-hearted, business partners Prophet is the chiefs of the Quraysh, who is also a friend of his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. Dipupuknya networks with confidence. The belief that the seed is honesty. The fruit is even worse. Merchant was a beautiful woman again successful, named Siti Khadijah, was struck by the attitude which later became his wife.
There are two main principles that we need an example of business travel Holy Prophet. First, money is not the main capital in business, major capital in the venture is to build trust and be trusted (al-amin). money is not number one capital in business, the number one capital is trust. Second, competence and technical skills related to business. He is familiar with both markets and trading places on the Arabian Peninsula. He also knows the ins and outs of trading activity and the dangers of usury, so he recommends selling and abolish the system of usury.
Modern principles, such as customer objectives and customer satisfaction, service excellence, competence, efficiency, transparency, fair competition and competitive it has become a personal image and business ethics of the Prophet Muhammad. Hopefully the modern businessman, can imitate him so they can be successful by flashing a commendable morals.
Rabu, 21 September 2011
Biznis-on line: Crime via the internet will not be able to stop
Biznis-on line: Crime via the internet will not be able to stop: The world of internet and smartphone is a very fast growing area of recent times. In the world of the Internet, social media with Fac...
Crime via the internet will not be able to stop
The world of internet and smartphone is a very fast growing area of recent times. In the world of the Internet, social media with Facebook as a leader now suck up more than 80 percent of Internet users. That is, now, Internet users tastes have changed. Internet users now spend more time on social media to interact. They're probably still looking for news or reference, but the numbers may have greatly reduced because of the reference and news can also be obtained through social media.
In the field of gadgets, smartphones in particular the progress that had the Android OS has changed the competitive landscape and churning out a vendor that had existed previously. Nokia, Apple, and RIM has now made their OS must be willing to be exceeded by Google Android. In fact, because it was too far behind, Nokia abandon their own OS and join it to Microsoft.
Progress made by Facebook and Android certainly has two sides, positive and negative. Positive for Facebook, now members are more than 600 million people. Negative, the security level up even more questionable. Android Likewise, from various smartphone operating systems, it seems that Android is the OS of the most easily attacked and infiltrated by malicious programs, including the application store.
To ensure that Facebook and Android least secure, we can see a report of AVG security analysis conducted recently for the first quarter of 2011. According to AVG, evil campaign (malicious campaigns) on Facebook has tripled in the last year. For Android, AVG stating that the user have increased risks associated with the nature of Android is important that open source and open-garden approach is applied, in which lets users install software on their smartphones thus opening the door for hackers to make malicious code. In addition, the fragmentation in the Android platforms (such as Donut, Eclair, and Gingerbread) also does not help make Android more secure.
For Facebook, AVG provides notes that the popularity of Facebook has a price, namely Facebook subjected to internet crime. Because it could reach 600 million users, Facebook has become attractive targets for cyber criminals. This corresponds with the popularity of cyber criminals themselves, which if successful commit crimes in Facebook means to conquer the 600 million people more. In addition, the presence of a high confidence in a friend on Facebook, for example in the case of a short URL some time ago, if a friend already clicked the URL, another friend who will believe and follow the clicking so that makes it easier cyber criminals conduct cyber crimes successful.
AVG showed 42 percent of malware detected on Facebook comes from third party applications. According to AVG, Facebook users are often tempted to follow some of the survey (though it's a trap) which, when followed was promised a chance to watch a particular video is that most porn videos. There is also a survey page on Facebook that contains the click jacking is not known where the "Like" it so that when users click the mouse without accidentally on the page, its wall will be filled by the messages or automatic status updates that often vulgar, so make ashamed of users or can spread to his friend who had clicked the survey page.
Not only that, security at Facebook has become a very long discussion. As evidence of how weak the security of this site is at your own Facebook fan page's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, hackers compromised some time ago. In addition, also the case of a short URL, URL of a video that asks the user clicks to view pornographic videos Loohan Lindsay, and many more. This indicates that despite trying to make this site safe, cyber criminals were more intelligent and can still do the crime.
To minimize disturbances on Facebook, you need to do these things.
1. Always use https, not http unusual because it is more easily infiltrated by malicious programs, hackers, malware, and the like. To change the http to https, click Account Settings, then click the Security Account, then tick both boxes are available.
2. Wear as little as possible third-party applications. Third-party applications is a major source of attacks against Facebook account. Be careful using the application, when it's finished using a particular application, immediately remove the application from the list of applications used.
3. Beware of URLs that are too good to be true. Redundant words, a fairly grandiose promises that accompanied a particular URL, usually the malware or viruses that infiltrate on Facebook. Avoid clicking on a URL like this.
4. Do not do the chat if it is not too pushy. If possible, use IM, do not chat on Facebook because the chat is also found that damage of malicious programs is on Facebook. Certainly prudence is the main user. If the user is not careful in using an account on Facebook, Facebook increased security efforts will be futile.
Above there must be a science of science again, over there a smarter smart again, this time the sophistication of the future will be solved, sometimes used for good or evil depends on our moral, most importantly, HONEST BUSINESS THAT IS IN THE MAIN CAPITAL in success on the internet, not be afraid to follow progress and is always up to date so as not to lag that's a real effort to tanbah Success ... do not you think your friends ...
Jumat, 16 September 2011
Biznis-on line: Lazy Sitting activity, Disease Resources ....?
Biznis-on line: Lazy Sitting activity, Disease Resources ....?: Sedentary activities that do not routinely be extremely dangerous for health, many experiences that happen, let alone ordinary people who ac...
Lazy Sitting activity, Disease Resources ....?
Sedentary activities that do not routinely be extremely dangerous for health, many experiences that happen, let alone ordinary people who actively will feel aches, dizziness and rapid body feels heavy, it's just the direct impact.
There is a story from my friend, she has parents who are very dear to him, so that old times more fun, the parents are forbidden to go heavy activity all the facilities provided but should only be in the house keluarpun limited, because he considers it is time to enjoy the fruits of his parents work when young, had children who settled and rich enough ... it's time to work while her parents who enjoy while filling in the beautiful old days.
But after a month of what is happening?
His parents were sickly, medical treatment does not go away fro trudged tatih.Hampir berjalanpun even despair, eventually, in a luncheon, he met with a psychologist friend, he told him everything.
What happened, instead accusing his friend if he is indirectly killing his parents in berlahan, why? What's wrong?
Opposite his friend answers, "All the activities that should be done as long as people are still alive should not be banned for any reason either young or old ones, especially when youth are very active, because where prohibited health will drop drastically indirectly let alone getting older protection decreases one's ability.
It is best to let parents keep their activities as long as willing and able, but must be adapted to circumstances and conditions are concerned, do not be too dangerous or terlau heavy, light but healthy, but enjoyable routine for example: keep pets, watching grandson / granddaughter but drive school still there must be a younger companion to be more secure, especially activities that are a little heavy, etc..
A month after her friend's advice into practice, the condition gradually improved and he was his parents could be more focused work.
So the true experience is the best teacher.
Spent a long time to sit down to work, or lay out bed time to watch television or relax, is a sign of low levels of physical activity. This habit makes the combustion energy is not more than 1.5 times the burning energy while resting. The danger, physically inactive people susceptible to diseases and decreased metabolism.
Nano Oerip, Fitness Training Manager of Fitness First, said that the society we are too relaxed, not many moves, but more stress. Physically active did not cause a buildup of calories, which if left unchecked will lead to obesity.
"These conditions allowed one year, until three years had felt, ultimately obesity," he told a media gathering at Fitness First Platinum Senayan City, Jakarta.
Not active physically harmful to the body, even the cause of death under the age of 60 years. A number of studies mention the danger:
* The longer people sit, the shorter their life expectancy. American Cancer Society, Journal of epidemiology in the United states, 94 percent of women and 48 percent of men spend time by sitting or inactive for more than six hours a day. The risk they die sooner than those who are inactive and sitting less than three hours a day.
* Sitting too long make the body begins to shut down the function of the level of metabolism. Marc Hamilton, Ph.D., professor of biomedical sciences at the University of Missouri said, when the muscles (especially the large muscles to move like a leg muscle) did not move into the circulation will slow down and your body will burn fewer calories.
* Sitting too long dangerous posture and spinal health.
* Sitting down all day charge of the activity of enzymes that break down fat as much as 50 percent.
Routine activities more healthful, as long as done properly and conveniently apply for all ages, health activities will be disrupted lazy ..... please choose the best.
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