Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Thick blood Caution should be, it could be an early indication of various diseases.

Experience is the best teacher for human who want to think, this is real as experienced by a doctor below, may be useful, happy reading.

BLOOD is thicker or hypercoagulable state in which there is a tendency of clot formation of blood clot or thrombus within the blood vessels, block blood flow when the thrombus in both arteries (artery) or veins (vein) is called thrombosis. Thrombus is detached and carried in the

blood circulation is called an embolus.

Thrombosis that occurs in the brain can cause symptoms of a stroke, if there is in the eyes can cause vision suddenly diminished or disappeared, and when it occurs in the heart can cause acute heart attack and cause sudden death.


Conditions that tend to coagulate the blood can interfere with circulation and will cause symptoms that is wide enough. Symptoms that occur are known as hyperviscosity syndromes such as migraine headache or a difficult control, complaints of vertigo, blurred vision, ringing in the ears and the feeling of numbness in the lower leg as feeling the blood does not flow. If gore is not managed well it will form a blood clot (thrombus) and when clogging in the blood vessels will provide a more serious symptoms such as severe stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), thrombosis in blood vessels of the eye, ear, regions stomach is also in the placenta (afterbirth) in pregnant women and lower limbs.

All organs can be affected and will show symptoms in accordance with the relevant organs. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain due to blood coagulation may lead to impaired balance, experiencing frequent migraine attacks, or headaches, also feel unsteady when walking. Other symptoms such as vertigo, seizures, memory decline may occur.

In the eyes can cause double vision (seeing double), the ear can cause sudden deafness. At the heart of a heart attack can occur with the formation of blood clots in the foyer of the heart, the lungs can occur shortness of breath that occurs arrived - arrived accompanied by chest pain due to a clot that clogs blood vessels (pulmonary embolism), which resulted in sudden death.

Several variations of the complaints and symptoms of patients with thick blood that came to consult a doctor can be seen in patients following example:

1. A 25-year-old man came to the doctor with complaints of sudden onset of vertigo and memory diminished, the time of the complaint and all of a sudden sudden feet and hands feel weak and unable to be moved. Weak sense is then improved within approximately 1 hour. Told that his oldest brother who had a stroke at age 30. On examination found no high blood pressure, no diabetes or elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. CT brain scan showed normal results. Search against the possibility of hereditary diseases found a deficiency Protein C and S.

Events experienced by men was a mild stroke symptoms are sometimes referred to as transient ischemic attack (TIA) or briefly iskhemik attack that could have improved in less than 24 hours.

Patients are given anti-platelet and anti-coagulation (anti-blood clot) and also a good explanation about the illness that has a high level of compliance to take medication regularly and control to the physician on the schedule that is recommended, so that patients avoid the attack of stroke. In general, are hereditary clot thrombus often occurs at a young age and often experience repeated attacks (relapses) and a positive family history. It takes a good explanation of the disease to the patient's family, so that other family members are encouraged to undergo laboratory tests are also suffering the same disorder.

2. A 45-year-old woman came to the doctor with complaints of right lower leg swelling since 3 days in advance. He also noted that two years ago she underwent surgery and was diagnosed as right breast cancer and had undergone a complete chemotherapy program. On examination the right lower leg was swollen, painful when moved, and no sign of infection. Doppler sonographic examination results obtained vascular thrombus in the right popliteal vein. This patient was suffering from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with the underlying disease is breast cancer. In cancer patients, especially those from glands (adenocarcinomas) as in breast, pancreas, ovaries (ovarian) and prostate cancer cells to produce mucin substance that makes blood cancer patients become more viscous and tends to occur a clot (thrombus).

Anticoagulant treatment is given orally or parenterally (injection) and gave encouraging results.

3. A woman (mother) came to the doctor with a story that he is having a pregnancy which to - 3 in the age of 4 weeks. Presented by the mother also is that in the first pregnancy at age 10 weeks of bleeding and is said by doctors of miscarriage (abortion) and performed curettage. The same thing occurs in the second pregnancy at 12 weeks gestation. After resting for 2 years then the mother is trying to get pregnant again and asked the doctor if there is a disease that makes a mother often had a miscarriage?

After the examination for the presence of infection or chromosomal abnormalities that cause recurrent abortion occurs with a negative outcome, then examination whether there is a chance the mother is suffering from the disease gore antiphospholipid syndrome?

Inspection to ensure the antiphospholipid syndrome is an examination of anticardiolipin antibody (ACA) antibodies or anti-É ¿2-GP1 (glycoprotein-1) and gave positive results in two times the examination with a range of 6 weeks.

These mothers were given treatment with blood thinners (aspirin) and anticoagulants (heparin) during pregnancy and postpartum. Children born in good health as well as his mother.


The story that occurred in three patients described above is the state of gore with the underlying disease and symptoms that are due to the formation of thrombosis in certain organs. Especially in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombosis found in the arteries (arteries) of the placenta (afterbirth) consequently the fetus does not receive enough food that affect fetal growth disorders (abortion) or born prematurely.

Inside the magazine Garuda contained in the Garuda plane, we can read an article about Deep Vein Thrombosis which convey that the event is known as Economy Class Syndrome. Anyone who sat without moving for long periods of time will experience stagnation in the circulation of body fluids. This can cause blood clots in the bottom of your foot.

When the calf and foot is not moved, blood clots can develop in such a way as to cause a serious condition. It is therefore advisable to do aerobic exercises as directed (with pictures) and drink plenty of water and move many] times in the aircraft cabin if indeed possible.

Gore treatment aims to prevent thrombus is therefore necessary to follow the pattern of patient adherence to long-term treatment or perhaps a lifetime. One drug antitrombosit simple and cheap are acetosal (aspirin), which in small doses of 100 mg per day can prevent the onset of thrombus.

Use of anticoagulant drugs requiring laboratory monitoring because of uncontrolled bleeding can lead to complications in the form.

With antithrombotic treatment to prevent the occurrence of thrombosis such as aspirin and anticoagulants such as warfarin and heparin provide adequate results and laboratory tests and other investigations to confirm the diagnosis of thrombosis caused by a clot can be performed in laboratories and hospitals are full, you should consult with local specialists .

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